Wolverine DoppelShane

I don't know, I'd be pretty comfortable putting Justified up alongside any great drama of the last decade. Louie is great too, though.

"That being said I don't think disliking rap is necessarily racist."

I get what you're saying, but I think Renfield's willingness to actually call Dracula out on stuff, and his interactions with people other than Dracula do help in deepening his character beyond the trope. Plus, there's a reason he's around, and qualified, to help, as this week shows.

I am in favour of anything that both puts Jayne and Lucy together and gives Lucy more to do.

I'm sticking with the old tv rule of "no body, no death."

I think there is. I suspect that's not the real Birkhoff, like it wasn't the real Graham, which means the real Birkhoff is with the real Graham and the real Spencer. Birkhoff in the field in a sort of trial by fire has potential, since he's never been out there alone. Unless, as I'm guessing, Alex's arrest is a Shop

The pacing on this episode was great. 6 episodes would be worrisome for most shows, but I think Nikita benefits from it. Deputy Director gets introduced last week, the team figures out he's a mole, and they take him out, just the way it should be.

I completely agree, but also, if they hadn't spoken to her, they wouldn't have known Graham was still alive, which will be important when they uncover faux-Birkhoff.

I think she's not going to forget the look Lucy was giving Mina earlier in the evening. If she's going to try to hurt Mina, it'll probably be through Lucy.

Yeah, I realized I hit on a larger trope, but it was more fun to point it out in the context of those shows alone.

I'll add my voice to the chorus clamoring for a continuation of the reviews, because in addition to enjoying the show, I also enjoy the analysis here. But even if it doesn't continue, Les, I hope you join the commentariat in discussions, because I enjoy your insights into how the show contrasts with the novel as well.

"I'm going to suggest continuing discussion of this show in a designated Dracula thread over in Grimm since they air on the same night and network."

Heh, I don't know if this was intentional on your part, but the lead characters on Dracula, Arrow, and Almost Human all have black sidekicks, with Renfield, Diggle, and Dorian.

I actually love this idea, and I hope it's true.

I'm the same way, but with The Notebook (then again, that is pretty much carried by Gosling and McAdams, and their chemistry). I still haven't seen Walk, though, and don't intend to, despite the positive word-of-mouth.

I'm getting strong whiffs of racism from this post.

That's partially because nobody outside of fringe audiences ever gave it the attention it deserved until it became too big to ignore. But if you follow it back, there's a clear rise in the late 80s and early 90s, and some fantastic stuff in there that deserves to be hailed as classic.

An alternate universe without Nas, Tribe Called Quest, Run DMC, Public Enemy, Black Star (as well as solo work by Talib Kweli and Mos Def), Wu-Tang Clan, and Tupac (And that's just scratching the surface of 90s rap/hip-hop)? That sounds like a horrible universe. Why would you ever want to imagine that?

None for Dracula either, which IMDb tells me is also airing a new episode tonight.

Okay, so it all comes back to you. Nothing I can do there.