Wolverine DoppelShane

Mann's last movie was in 2009, which isn't that long ago. Plus, he was clearly very involved in Luck.
Cameron's still capable of doing action. Just because you think he fell flat in one movie doesn't negate the likes of Aliens or Terminator 2. Plus, the bulky 3D cameras guarantee no shakycam.

Dammit, where's Deadpan Andre Braugher to agree when you need him?

I really have no qualms calling him the more talented Nolan brother, based on his work on POI.

I really have no qualms calling him the more talented Nolan brother, based on his work on POI.

I really have no qualms calling him the more talented Nolan brother, based on his work on POI.

Well, yeah, they never come right out and say it, but if you read the lyrics, there's really no other way to interpret it than "confidence is unsexy".

Wait, aren't stay-at-home dads a real thing? I recall reading articles and stuff on them.

I don't think that'll be true as long as James Cameron and Michael Mann are still making movies.

Well, they talk about smiling at the ground as being attractive, which kind of runs counter to that idea (because, of course, only a stone-cold slut would dare meet a man's gaze when communicating with him)

Holy shit, that is who it was. I was wondering why I kept waiting for Jeremy Davies or Walton Goggins to show up.

It's a whole bunch of names. Who can even keep up anymore.

No, because it promotes the idea that women are attractive only if they have low self-esteem. That's a horrible thing to be telling teen girls.

I know a woman approaching her 30s who's an openly declared fangirl of them, so maybe you should rethink that last part.

This is MTV, so really, it could go either way.

With the nickname Scarberia to boot.

This is a reality show? And this review makes it sound not exploitative? That's an accomplishment.

They both just showed up on Sunday's episode, and, erm, I wouldn't bother committing to the show for Gjokaj.

We don't say that word here. Drives away the womenfolk.

He was actually pretty good on Awake. I'm ok with this.

I am down for this. Is this a thing we'll do? Every Sunday's WOT is Nikita discussion for the next 5 weeks? Let's do it.