Wolverine DoppelShane

It does not, but gay people are also marginalized in society, which means a gay white man and a straight white man sniping at each other is still a break from standard issue tv.

Part of me agrees with this,and also wants to see Bill Cosby back on tv.

In this show's defense, it does also have Megan Hilty and Echo Kellum, not to mention whoever plays Sean's daughter and mother (Samantha Isler and Linda Lavin, according to IMDb). So really, Hayes and Lennon are the only two white men in the main cast, and like captcha pointed out, one of them is openly gay.

"I'm not sure exactly when Nikita jumped from good to great to amazing"

Oh, gotcha. I suppose ratings-wise, it makes sense, but I'm willing to bet that Orphan Black's fans are a much more loyal and vocal bunch than SHIELD fans. Case in point, had they gone with Orphan Black over SHIELD, I wonder if enough commenters would have critiqued it to be of notice.

That is a pretty unforgivable decision, though there's no reason for those shows to clash, coverage-wise.

You definitely get the latter with Nikita.

Pre-Game of Thrones, Headey actually did play Sarah Connor for two seasons. And she was pretty damn good in the part.

I would actually not be averse to Soderbergh taking the reins of a Terminator film.


Well, I suddenly have an inexplicable interest in watching Reign.

Fuck yeah, the more people who discover this show, the better.

Not gonna lie, I would watch that. On opening day.

The downvotes on this comment and the one above it baffle me.

That's the thing I don't get; there's plenty of legitimate issues with Obama's presidency (like everyone, he's not perfect, and the drone strikes will always be a mark against him, and rightly so). Why do they feel the need to make up crap against him, I have no idea.

I'd also recommend Person of Interest, which scratches that itch without requiring you to stop thinking as well.

Mind you, I have absolutely no problem with Lawless in the role too.

5 ft 9.5 inches, according to IMDb, so just under the threshold. Plus, her stunt double Zoe Bell is 5'8, which is the same height as Carano, so if Lawless works, Carano (and Bell) should also work.

That actually rules out Lucy Lawless too.

Oh, you're a teenager. That actually explains a lot, never mind.