Wolverine DoppelShane

Oh yeah, and nothing looks ridiculous about Supernatural to the untrained eye.

This season of Arrow has received B and A ratings on this very site. And I will sing the praises of Nikita right up to the end of its run, because it's also smartly executed and fun as hell.

Then you're listening to the wrong people.

I've encountered people who didn't know Superman is an alien, and that didn't stop Man Of Steel from making a bajillion dollars this past summer. Likewise with Iron Man, who must have been even less known than WW before the 2008 film.

Gina Carano is the name you're looking for.

So movie execs are actually going to treat the public like they're intelligent? That's new.

So wait, The Flash is going to be in this film? How's that going to gel with the new Flash tv show?

Well, the money for research has to come from somewhere. If a few rich dudes are willing to cough up the necessary funds in exchange for an interstellar joy ride, so be it, right? It sure as hell isn't going to come from a population that still can't decide if evolution is a real thing or not.

I really can't argue with either of those points, so…fuck.

I hate to say it, but if you dislike every site redesign you've ever come across, perhaps the issue is with you.

That's not quite enough for me. Really, the fact that Marvel has carte blanche at the box office means they should be taking real chances with their work. I want to see The Master in a superhero context, I want to see Breaking Bad in a superhero context, I want to see The Assassination of Jesse James in a superhero

I think you need to rewatch all of Ben & Kate. The context is in there…somewhere.

I'm actually kind of surprised nobody has remixed the song into "What does the fox say? WE HAVE TO GO BACK!"

I'm the wrong person to ask, because I read the synopsis of Agents of SHIELD when it was greenlit, realised it was NCIS set in the Marvel Universe, and didn't bother with it. Of the new Tuesday night shows, I hitched my wagon to The Originals instead, and haven't regretted it yet.

Not until he admits that the movie he watched last night was, in fact, Citizen Kane.

I wonder if the Fox exec is one of the Daves Bruce knows.

Oh, those nerds. I know them as "neckbeards".

It can be eliminated. But it won't be.

Both of those stories sound like sitcom plotlines.

Isn't the overwhelming consensus that Agents of SHIELD has paper-thin characters and bland performances outside of Gregg/Coulson?