Wolverine DoppelShane

But more importantly, you get free alcohol.

I was thinking the same thing. I doubt you can get Season 1 of Girls on its own for that kind of price, so that's quite a lot for under $20.

Is this the second angriest you've ever been at a statue?

They never will. One thing has become clear through all the Marvel movies to date, and that's that the studio is more concerned with financial viability than artistic expression. If it can't rake in the big bucks, they don't want it, and they don't want to find out if deviating from that formula will bring in the big

Considering the overwhelming consensus is that Arrow is better than Agents of SHIELD, I'm not entirely sure "let's greenlight 5 billion more tv shows when the one we have on air is mediocre at best" is a strategy that should be duplicated, especially when DC seems to have a winning strategy on their hands already.

Spoilers: Thor wins, no major casualties are suffered.

"How do you ask a woman not to wax?"
"Don't do that! Walk away. Just walk away."

"Don't talk to her! Walk away!"

I got a Supernatural notification for this?

Well, from my end, (as someone not participating in NaNoWriMo, so take that as you will) I think it may be easier for some to edit than to write, which would gel with the idea of banging out a product, in that the real process of writing for these individuals happens in the editing and polishing stage.

Isn't that position already occupied by Mark Pellegrino / Mark A. Sheppard?

Oh, most definitely. And hey, character development. Give me all the headless horsemen and zombie John Chos you got, I'll take them as long as you have fully formed characters I can invest in to go along with them. And Sleepy Hollow's got them too.

I echo Handlen's sentiment; an episode like this, this early in the show's run, shouldn't have worked as well as this one did.

I felt like it was less a complaint about the jokes being insensitive, and more about them being lazy.

Counterpoint; if you enjoy his standup, who cares if it's a persona or actually him?

"You wanna go to hell? I'll take you there!"

There was also Yao Fei, and as of this episode, Jimmy Jean-Louis aka The Haitian.

*Courtney B. Vance staggers backwards with a shocked expression*

I don't think they're going to do that. The showrunners have spoken before about how they don't want to diminish how much training Oliver had to go through to become Green Arrow by having every Tom, Dick, and Harry become a world-class vigilante after 20 minutes of fighting, and they've followed through with that, by

*tips hat to the Master, Senor Spielbergo*

An angry James Blake just read this article and tweeted the home address of Shaquille O'Neal.