Wolverine DoppelShane

You know, I'm strangely ok with this. None of those movies exactly burned brightly at the box office, and I get the feeling the proceeds from this will fund a few more quality features. It's the "one for them, one for us" principle, I'd wager.

Okay, yeah, that was way better than I was expecting. Kudos.

I would actually consider watching a Voice episode where the contestants fought to the death. Actually, scratch that, I'd much rather watch an episode where The Voice contestants fought to the pain.

I've always thought of Nicki Minaj as the poor man's Janelle Monae. Take that as you will.

Bang-up job on the article, by the way. The level of snark had me go back and check if it was written by O'Neal at one point. It might not sound like much, but it is the highest praise I can offer.

I don't even have to be on my period to do that.

Yes, we've all seen the How It Should Have Ended video.

Part of me doesn't want a sequel to Before Midnight, because it ended perfectly. Of course, I felt the same way at the end of Before Sunrise too.

Aw, come on, you hated the third, but like the fourth, where they reduce the otherwise badass Hermione into a whimpering friend whose only job is to express concern for Harry's safety? You could literally excise Hermione from the fourth movie and lose nothing. You excise her from the fourth book and you're left with

Not to steal Senor Spielbergo's thing, but…

He's helping werewolves in the mountains somewhere which, I honestly wouldn't mind watching that myself.

She wasn't around long enough to be terrible. She gave Jeff Daniels weed, had a sad story about her dad being in the North Tower on 9/11, and then she was gone.

Or it speaks to the unimaginative homogeneity that pervades news outlets across the country.

Bad showrunner choice too. He's going to make it a bland procedural, if history's any indication; Castle survives mostly on the cast chemistry.

I bet Felix would love April too. And I'd be really interested to see how April and Alison react to each other.

I wonder if Tom's British accent was a sly nod to Sarah, but that's probably reaching.

Who the shit downvoted this?

Absolutely. All we need as confirmation is for Felix to show up as a nurse administering the vaccines.

Orphan Black? She did have great chemistry with Maslany.

Shit, dude. Here's to hoping things turn around for you in a hurry.