Wolverine DoppelShane

Worse than "Dads" or "Mom"?


Arguably the best show on USA, I'd say. And it's a solid show; it's not Breaking Bad, but when it's on, it's one of the best breezy fun shows there is.

I think she'd be a great fit for the proposed Remington Steele sequel, so they should cast her asap so she can drop out of this too.

The Walking Dead Twilight Zone? I can dig it.

It says that we have perspective on things, and a way to express our opinions without making it sound like the shows are the first signs of the apocalypse, which is more than can be said for your comments. What do your arguments say about you?

Did Fox and Hayes kick your puppy or something?

"do they think that Americans really are so fucking ignorant and stupid that we can't tell the difference?"

As others have pointed out, the cast chemistry is fantastic, and so far, the cast seems to have a pretty good handle on their characters, way more than I'd have expected in the third episode of a show. If the writing can give them some solid material to work with, that's really all we need, I think.

I don't think there's anything really wrong with comfort food status. Happy Endings was fantastic comfort food, and I found myself looking forward to it more than some "ambitious" shows quite a few times.

The role of the 55 year old is going to be a thankless one, I can just tell from that synopsis.

@waxlion:disqus  And gay to boot. But details, details.

He'd be my second choice for the role, next to Forest Whittaker.

This is a "Spike Lee just tweeted" joke waiting to happen.

I'm kind of hoping Frank and Sadie Doyle show up at Greendale.

Nathan Fillion AND Katee Sakhoff. So it's pretty much guaranteed to be better.

So are we taking bets on who Black Canary is? My guess is either Sara Lance, or Helena Bertinelli, with a slim possibility of Shado. I'm really hoping it's the first, because I think there's the potential for a parallel story to Oliver's development there.

Isn't Tilda Swinton the male Tilda Swinton?

I hate to be "that guy", especially on a prime O'Neal snark article like this, but I'm going to be anyway; to my understanding, the premise of Remington Steele was that Laura Holt made up a male boss because people didn't take her sleuthing skills seriously enough on its own, because she was a woman (and then

It's going to turn out the Kim Kardashian sex tape was a fake made by Jimmy Kimmel.