Wolverine DoppelShane

"Lyndie Greenwood!" exclaimed all six Nikita fans on this board.

That may be the lowest I've seen Upstream Color rated among those who watched it.

I don't think this really works, because as I recall, when Abbie (Bonnie's mother) got turned into a vampire, she lost her witch powers, so if it turned out Marcel could tap into both, it'd really be questionable why the show hides Abbie Bennett away instead of bringing her into town and having her and Marcel duke it

For Our Consideration: "Is Vampire Diaries the new Sons of Anarchy?"

I know people aren't all raves about the fourth season of Vampire Diaries, but completely ignoring its Season Premiere tonight seems kind of harsh.

As I understood it, Finch didn't have a problem with collecting the data; it was the sale and profiting that he took issue with, and rightly so. Neither him nor Nathan ever profited from the Machine, and nobody can get in there and get the data.

There's also the organization that saved Kara Stanton (whose name slips me right now), and Hersh and his superiors are probably going to try to take down Finch, Reese, and co. again at some point too. Plus, there's the faux-Zuckerberg from last season (I am horrible with names today), who's set to become a recurring

Oh man, I've been looking forward to Shaw and Carter interacting ever since the former's introduction. Zoe is just the icing on the cake.


It's endlessly amusing to me how rich people are the most anti-government, considering they benefit the most from the current system.

Speak for Monteith. I'm willing to bet a dead Gandolfini would still be a commanding onscreen presence.

Ohh, gotcha. I think he is, because his podcasts are wildly popular, and that can't be only from his existing fans. Now, whether they dig Smith as a person/podcaster, or as a filmmaker, is another conversation, I think.

Okay, no offence to Monteith, but there is no way he's comparable to Gandolfini in terms of talent.

Are high school kids the best barometer for this kind of thing? I'm sure they're not getting into the Coen Brothers en masse either; that hardly means the Coens are bad filmmakers.

I'm in the same position as you, and I loved The Namesake too, and others in the same boat as us have also expressed a similar appreciation for it. I honestly never even considered the idea that it might not be as appealing to those who haven't had that experience because, really, nobody ever questions whether someone

To add on the Brooklyn Nine-Nine/Parks and Rec parallels, Hitchcock is clearly the Jerry of the precinct.

I wonder if it'll retain it's SHIELD audience, but I doubt that. Again, I'd love to be proven wrong.

Huh, I somehow thought SHIELD was on NBC, which actually doesn't make sense, now that I say it out loud. That's some relief, atleast.

I actually really dug this pilot. It's got some bumps to iron out (the voiceover, for example), but all the leads have great chemistry, and the cast seems to work great as an ensemble. But the lack of buzz about it, plus it going up against SHIELD, and being on ABC, the former home of Happy Endings and Don't Trust the

"Yes, those three movies of the 275 that he's made in his career were fine ( although I didn't really like 'Las Vegas', either )."