Wolverine DoppelShane

You are not of the school that's seen Adaptation or Raising Arizona or Leaving Las Vegas, I take it?

I'm rooting for Tatiana Maslany to win at the Emmys tonight.

In Assange's defence, if anyone knows about being counterproductive and irresponsible, it's Wikileaks.

It debuted last week, as part of Fox's Tuesday lineup alongside Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

He's been free from that for a while. Pilot Viruet covered it last season until the AV Club dropped it.

You and…the other commenter who was also watching, whose name I cannot for the life of me remember, you're both caught up, then? Excellent.

Michael B. Jordan, I believe.

Notable exception to the sitcom rule: Ben and Kate.

Wahlberg's tone and body language in that scene do nothing to convince me that the woman isn't onto the truth.

Iyad ratha cook dem, they look fackin fresh.

Oh man, less than 30 discussions almost 24 hours after airing. That's not a good sign.

As someone who's seen both, I think Siberia had much more of a character focus than The River. I remember feeling nothing when Bruce Greenwood finally popped up on The River (hell, I forgot the character's name), but when a similar event happens on this show, I was moved.

It is cool. You can do worse than shotgunning this one long weekend.

"By the way, just a thought but I bet the contestants who bowed out early would appear in the show again in a future season, presumably having not made it out of Russia themselves."

Yeah, the hostess got beaten to death during one of the looting sessions by the Rape Brothers, who then knocked out Angie and tried to rape her before being chased off by Barbie. They were later killed by Junior, because he's got dibs, or something.

You saw that too, right? How exactly did they mess that up? How did they mess up a clock, for fuck's sake?

When she called in "All units" at the beginning of the episode, I think I said out loud "What units?"

In the immortal words of Jean-Ralphio, Linda's the wooooorrrrrrsttttt.

You mean Mark Pellegrino.

Gee, I hope this focuses on Oscar and his search for the perfect pair of slippers!