Wolverine DoppelShane

Glee did a few.

They really did miss an opportunity to make Johnny useful, and feel wanted, by not getting Mike to ask him to be backup when he tracked down Briggs' phone. I hope next season, they develop the Briggs/Jakes friendship some more, and also show Mike and Johnny becoming buddies too, and mirror the two relationships.

"ghosts of sitcoms past—Happy Endings’ Casey Wilson"

Olivia Wilde took on Julianne Moore's role too.

It kind of hurts that the trailer almost paints it as a slicker version of a Kirk Cameron movie.

You're the kind of person who praises Brett Ratner, aren't you?


The evidence supports you. He hasn't led the easiest of personal lives either, but he's never played that up for sympathy or anything. And he takes chances with his film choices, which I cannot condemn.

I hope you're being facetious, because if not, you're a horrible ally. Think about what you're saying; you prefer there be no mention of the queer identity of Billie Jean King, one of the most prominent athletes of her sport and an all-around positive role model? How does erasure help the LGBT Community, exactly?

It could follow the Fast & Furious principle of franchises, though.

I'm guessing there's a deleted scene that goes like this

I bet the garbageman job is a cover for him to act as a middleman between providers and users. You buy a bottle of booze from a guy, he puts it in his "garbage", which glasses dude picks up and casually "drops" in front of your house.

I'm pretty sure there's a law that states he has to.

You have to love how there's two minors in jail cells with a distraught guardian in the police station not three feet away from Linda's office, clearly indicating they're being unlawfully detained, and the sheriff doesn't even raise an eyebrow. What was that about not letting Big Jim turn this into a police state

Based on stringy-haired McConaughey, I'm willing to bet that's actually the route they'll be going down.

I don't watch Breaking Bad, and I watched the first four episodes of this show. It doesn't look any better to me.

"a final death scene which would be affecting if we’d been made to care about the character involved"

Yeesh, Terminator 3. NEVER FORGET.

He actually puts alt text on the picture of every Tyler Perry Newswire. You're welcome.

Orphan Black is a glaring absence on your list of good science fiction on television right now.