Wolverine DoppelShane

"an anthology-style show that draws a wide range of actors, writers, and directors under a stylistic umbrella"

Jon Voight was actually Julie Delpy THE WHOLE TIME!!!!

Not only can you, but someone actually decided to, and followed through on that.

No, that's perfectly valid. You're in the clear.

"Took an honorable icon and degraded it"? He's saying this about the foam finger, of all things? This dude is so full of himself I'm tempted to call him Nicholas Sparks.

I don't know about a walk; Mysterious Skin gives it a really good run for its money in that department.

"I suppose. It's not that I feel a strong urge to defend Marvel on this one, but, call me a cynic, I think DC would/will be just as bad as Marvel, so I'm not overly inclined to cut them slack on their sexism just because they haven't been able to demonstrate it in film as effectively as Marvel has. I mean, I don't see

"Worse than DC, or just worse than they should? I agree with the latter; I've done plenty of complaining about the sausage-fests that constitute most of Marvel's movies. But DC's sexism is no less egregious than Marvel's, and the fact that they also lag behind Marvel in movie development doesn't negate that."

Goddammit Disqus.

Don't forget Lee Pace as another space something-or-other.

Don't forget Lee Pace as another space something-or-other.

That makes Marvel look even worse for not having any female-led films even in development.

You should look up the movie Red Reaper, which was a female-led action fantasy that got turned down by studios literally because they took the bombing of Sucker Punch to mean that female-led action films are hard to market. I'm not exaggerating; they specifically pointed their finger at Sucker Punch.

I'd honestly thought he'd declared his sexuality as gay years ago. But good on him. No snark, just genuine accolades to him for both coming out and sticking by his principles.

Nope, she's better.

I don't recall Summer Glau single-handedly playing half of the main characters. What show was that?

Liked for both recognizing Maslany's immense talent and planting the seed of a Maslany-Morales buddy cop movie in my head.

I cannot endorse this idea strongly enough.

And that's why good things keep happening to bad people.

Story-wise. It's the first real good look we got at how invested he was in the case.