Wolverine DoppelShane

I'm still laughing over Park Chan-Wook tweeting Spike Jonze's home address, and now you've added this gem. Keep up the excellent work.

Dead white people from the 40s are more important than dead Asian people in present day.

I heard outcry about that movie too, but so few people outside the Asian-American community gave a shit about the movie as a whole that it just kind of disappeared.

I wonder if they're promoting the hell out of this during 2.5 men reruns.

The Badillo-posing-as-Jangles idea was actually very good, and I wish we'd seen more of it than just one scene.

I actually interpreted Briggs' comments to Jangles to mean that he gave up the location of the house when he was being tortured, which is the real reason he wants revenge. I feel like Badillo and Briggs were ultimately after the same thing.

No lie, when I saw the guy, my first thought was "There's a poor man's Patrick Swayze."

I, for one, am glad you choose to share this with us weekly. Thanks for that.

Adult Child Of Divorce.

What the shit? I really can't think of anything snarky to say here, because that whole thing is so batshit insane in its racism and hatefulness that the only thing I can say is what the shit?

The perception I've always had of this show is that it's Justified for people who don't want story arcs or nuanced characters. But now the AV Club is writing about it, which means it may have some redeeming qualities. I'm conflicted!

"It's not a choice like my diet, it's a necessity like my drinking."

In the meantime, Veep fills that niche particularly nicely.

"I kinda dispute the claim as I thought Robert Downey Jr. and Stephan Rae were both more deserving than Al Pacino or Denzel.   Also, I don't agree with the practice of giving it to people "who are due for it" that is insulting to everybody involved."

It most definitely was. I'm still sad it didn't find an audience; it deserved one.

Wait, wasn't it the other way around for Detroit 187? Or did you mean Low Winter Sun?

*Ctrl + F "Detroit 1-8-7"*

But I would watch a movie where Walt and Jesse pilot a Jaeger to make giant meth.

I actually kind of liked this episode, though that may have been due to the super-slick opening 5 minutes. But the show seems to be doing a good job of better fleshing out Jakes and Charlie, and hopefully their development is going somewhere.

I'm rooting for her being Jangles.