Wolverine DoppelShane

It would, wouldn't it? It's been perfectly set up too, with Paige introducing them, and Abby regularly being at the bar where everyone hangs out.

This was actually a pretty solid episode all around. Hooray for Charlie getting an actual, independent storyline, and I'm glad the show doesn't feel the need to have Mike and Briggs attached at the hip all the time.

If they go by TV review rules, an F goes to a fascinating trainwreck, while Grown Ups 2 sounds like lazy, inept work all the way around.

The A.V. Club

I think you're thinking of Chris D'Elia. Chris Messina was on The Newsroom and Damages.

You know, the thing I always loved about Ebert, and which a lot of critics could stand to emulate, is that even when I disagreed with him about a movie, I could see where he was coming from. It was never "This movie sucked", it was more "this movie sucked because…", and I could say "That sounds kind of awesome, maybe

Ag blblblblblblblbbl

I just checked with the judges, and either choice is acceptable.

Against all odds, he actually pulls off the role of Michael in Nikita. I will freely admit, I didn't see that coming.


Tangentially related, how's Dude Bro Massacre 3 coming along?

Theres two lines of thought about his Oscar win; he either deserved it for this role, or for his role as Malcolm X in 1992. Either way, he was due a Best Actor Oscar. Do you dispute that claim?

Yeah, it's a thing. Just look at how the media portrayed the Steubenville rapists for proof.

"People have fought and won against people with greater firepower than them all throughout history (ie-Vietnam) and won."

"The idea behind gun ownership being a right is so that we the people can rise up against the government if need be. Which personally, I think we should (*WAVES TO NSA*) but we've become too compliant."

"There are some people I wish didn't have guns. My neighbors are crazy and are the types who are likely to kill someone in a fit of rage, trust me. But should the rights of millions be revoked just because of them?"

I agree with this, but I know some crazy people who really shouldn't be allowed to have guns. Like people who would take it out and shoot their girlfriend if she even looked at another guy. People who would likely use them on their kid for being gay. Militant racists. I think we can both agree that restricting access

You're absolutely right, women face issues due to being women in Hollywood. Black women, however, face issues to being black AND being women. It's two strikes against them.

No lie, I would buy this.

What's funnier, Zero Hour or The Following?