Wolverine DoppelShane

"Besides, cops only care about white people!"

Huh, so livejournal still exists.

Halfway through season 2 here. Never regretted it.

"Only redeeming quality is Jane lynch, and me think that even she is starting to become cliche and overused."

Well, out of the other two USA shows I watch, White Collar has two prominent female characters, one of whom mostly plays the supporting wife, but has been fleshed out on her own (there was an episode in the second season where she got kidnapped, but rather than play the stereotypical damsel in distress, she pretty

That whole tattoo thing was so weird. Why is the ink so flimsy? What if it had rained?

I'm hoping there's atleast a couple of episodes this season where they get to play the lead investigators, and the guys have to be backup/support; otherwise, I'm with you, they might as well bring back Lauren and add more complexity to her character.

I'm glad Jakes and Johnny finally got some more dimension to them too. The show seems to be coming into its own, and so do the characters, although I get the feeling things will not go well for Abby.

I think you're joking, but The Big Lebowski and The Man Who Wasn't There make for a great double feature due to the fact that they're both, at their core, film noirs, but the way they're each approached and presented makes such a difference and displays how thoroughly the Coens understand the genre.

Don't you feel special.

I'm allergic to your insistence that everyone have the same opinion as you. What you're doing right now is a les extreme version of when homophobes whine that their freedom is being infringed upon.

Like you wouldn't plunk down money for Inglourious Basterds 2: I still ain't got my scalps.

If you're allergic to different opinions, you're better off living alone in the woods. The world would probably be better off too.

Is Austrian an acceptable substitute? A spot on Christoph Waltz's schedule just opened up.

To be fair, given his track record lately, he'll probably take the money from this to produce a few great indies, so it'll all even out.

Did he play the same character? Please tell me they just transplanted Dan Egan over to a family sitcom.

You turned Hancock off after the first hour, didn't you?

@avclub-3cfac5846049d3a1ea09669fc1039764:disqus Oh man, I hope that comes to fruition just to see Casey Affleck as Harold Lauder.

I think she and Parham have a deal with USA Network for another show, so it might happen, sadly.

"You're not the President."