Wolverine DoppelShane

I think it's time The Stand was given the trilogy treatment that The Hobbit is getting. The beauty is that each film could fall into a different genre, depending on where they choose to make the breaks.

Person of Interest, though.

Those do sound like plausible outcomes too.

I'm not entirely sure municipal government doesn't. I mean, it's no secret that most politicians don't really care about the public they're ostensibly supposed to represent, no matter what level they are at; the ones who end up in DC just happen to be the best/luckiest/something or other. But in Pawnee, you've got

I can't wait until I'm able to use that line in real life.

I think a good critic knows to differentiate between a show that's reaching out, and a show that understands what it's trying to do and does it well. That's a difference movie-wise between, say, No Country For Old Men and Die Hard; both really succeed at what they're trying, but they're both trying for different

You're not really trying to draw down against Raylan Givens, are you?

I feel like Ben Cafferty and Kent Davison are bizarro versions of Ben Wyatt and Chris Traeger, respectively. Cafferty is what Wyatt would be like if he hadn't met Leslie, and Kent is what Traeger would've become if he had less of a sunny disposition on life (I don't think it's a coincidence that both Davison and

Alternately, he means the Carla who's a nurse at Sacred Heart Hospital.

"I managed to avoid Skyline but didn't know Thompson was in it.Guess I'll have to stop avoiding it."

I actually didn't think of Whistler like that, but you might be right, which would make the Charlie storyline more interesting in retrospect.

Part of the reason I initially tuned in was to see what Thompson could do with a major role, since I've only seen her in bit parts outside of that Skyline film.

Scottie Thompson has always struck me as the kind of actress who'd be a solid supporting player if given good material, but unable to elevate poor material, like a Barrowman or Gandolfini would (in different ways). But yeah, I'm with you on the character; the show's better off without her. I just hope they bring in

Wow, no comments? I'll kick things off, then.

I've been marathoning this show over the past week, hence the late reply (no regrets in doing so, by the by), but the scene you're talking about is the post-credits scene to Episode 6, "Wicks".

Fair enough. But is there no veteran female writer/director who deserves consideration? Nora Ephron?

You're all absolutely correct. This is why I should've thought for more than 10 seconds before posting.

We don't know that Wonder Woman would be a hard sell, because studios have never really tried to promote an action movie with a female lead. The only instance I can think of is Resident Evil, and that was successful enough to spawn a franchise. So I'd call bullshit on the idea that they can't. Now, whether they want

To add on to @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus and @avclub-42763705844bf5e2af4abd6c898f8dcb:disqus , wouldn't a female filmmaker like, say, Kathryn Bigelow or Debra Granik take top honours in an area like that?

On another note, should I be concerned that there's no mention of Jay Karnes in this review? He's still in the show, right?