Wolverine DoppelShane

I'm still waiting for a There Will Be Blood sequel. Get on it, PTA!

Well, in a nutshell, it has Michael Emerson in the lead cast in a role that is vastly different from Ben Linus, with Enrico Colantoni and Amy Acker as two different villains who are very effective in the "nice sociopaths" role. It's got Sarah Shahi as a kickass agent, Taraji P. Henson and Kevin Chapman (also in the

@avclub-2586d0717b58d4f4383144ca1341d079:disqus Nope, he's definitely missing out on Person of Interest.

So you're the one we should be beating up over the cancellation of Happy Endings. Plus, you're missing out on Person of Interest and New Girl.

The Following is going a long way towards making the former happen.

Honestly, I literally did not know it had started already. They never intended to pick it up, clearly.

This news is some harsh barley.

Yeah, they really did give a raw deal to Tina Fey.

Has that show even premiered yet?

Still waiting for the Newswire about Happy Endings' cancellation so I can cry in the comments.

You're looking for the guy from Homeland.

Great, now I'm going to lose the next 15 minutes laughing at that once again. Damn you.

Because he wanted to get rid of Sarah before his bosses found out about her taking Beth's identity.

1) He was with Abby Elliott's character because he was pretending to be straight to get courtside Bulls tickets, just like Max.

Liked for the comments about Thatcher's name-calling, not so much the Falkland bit.

Is it run by David Lynch?

Well, yes and no. Yes, it's easy to reach when one person is doing most of the work, like Woody Allen does, and is dedicated to only that, like Woody Allen is. He also doesn't do any real marketing for his films, considering he's already casting his next feature while his last one still hasn't hit limited release yet.

*Alex goes for a high five, falls off the bed*

Can you reveal any more about the interesting stuff?

How can anyone not like Young Adult?