Wolverine DoppelShane

I'm not sure if this is a joke or not, so I'll clear up that this movie has no relation to Zack Snyder's Legend of the Guardians, which focused on owls only. It's also a horrible idea, but and entirely different horrible idea.

You laugh now, but "not enough driving in Drive" is literally a critique someone once expressed to me as a valid reason to dislike the movie.

Ryan Murphy probably gets an aneurysm every time he sees Happy Endings, because he keeps yelling "NOT GAY ENOUGH!!" everytime Max is onscreen.

That's some harsh barley, bro.

@avclub-472d722b57a4ed37e41e70c9c9d7d0f3:disqus @avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus  Neither of you are wrong. I was just pointing out that Leno wasn't just looking out for himself in this whole fiasco. I feel like the real villain of the piece is NBC and their stupid, stupid executives, and Leno wasn't

As I understood it, it was less about the money Leno was getting, and more about not wanting to put his crew out of a job. He went along with whatever NBC decided because the alternative was that he'd get canned, and their jobs would go down with him, without them having luxury cars and millions to fall back on.

Mind you, said dumbass lawyer could have led them to cult members too.

The moderators are all Followers.

This thread gave me a Marshal stiffy.

I feel like people who are really great at fucking don't need to brag themselves; their partners will talk them up enough.

Screw both you and @avclub-cd01e5786d65f27654ca570edef28c69:disqus , as your combined statements made me choke back laughter, and now my coworkers are looking at me funny.

This wins the internet.

Not to mention they could cull through the visitor logs and identify about 75% of the cult. Yet nobody has even as much as proposed that idea.

I think Sims has pointed this out a few times, but the basic idea of the show is flawed, because the FBI has to be massively incompetent for it to have any longevity. But even then, they're so colossally stupid, I have to wonder how most of them manage to get through breakfas tevery morning without choking themselves

"What do you mean my contract with this show's ironclad?"

Still no Maggie storyline this week, huh? I hope they give Katie Findlay more to work with next season. (Fingers crossed there is one.)

And two nap times in a day.

Besides, it's been barely used this season. It's more of a summer word.

They could probably cull enough material from youtube to make the first 10 episodes of "Coming Home to Dogs".

Atleast 5.