Wolverine DoppelShane

It's an adaptation of a Stephenie Meyer novel. Stephenie Meyer is the woman who wrote the Twilight novels.

Despite having only 15 minutes of screentime, I thought Whitford was masterful in the role, as the perfect embodiment of Red John both in his sociopathic nature, and in the way he played off of Patrick Jane. I'd much rather Jane hadn't pulled the gun on him, and had Whitford be the real Red John, and leave the door

You gotta get on Person of Interest.

They blew it by making Bradley Whitford a fakeout instead of the real deal.

So they're remaking The Chicago Code?

No, you got the entire plan. It really was just "have a shotgun."

An AVclub F doesn't mean "not entertaining", it just means "an entertaining tranwreck", or "entertaining for all the wrong reasons". A grade of D means the subject in question was a sleep-promoting bore that took no chances.

I'd like to point out here that we all bemoaned the FBI's incompetence two weeks ago at not slashing the tires of the only getaway car the bad guys had, and this week, the followers actually do slash Hardy's tires before leaving, making a bunch of overzealous cult members better at their job than high-level FBI agents.

I think the big twist this episode was that Hardy's friend in Witness Protection turned out NOT to be a follower.

I feel like the biggest problem of the show is that we're somehow supposed to feel sympathy for these serial killers, and not in a "circumstances made them who they are, and society's to blame" kind of way, but in a "they're people just like us who like s'mores and have relationship problems" kind of bullshit way,

The funny thing is, they didn't even try to get rid of the tracker. Attach it to a squirrel or deer or something and let the animal run, that should throw the bad guys off the trail. But nope, they'll just leave it sitting on the kitchen counter so everyone has enough time to leisurely track it, and then stroll up to

Let's face it, probably also what he said when he finally realised he was married to Yoko Ono.

ShamWow is surprisingly great for that too.

To be fair, I recall girls showing up at his window too.

I'm still mad that they made Bradley Whitford's character a red herring, especially after he stole the show in the last quarter of the episode he was in. No way the "real" Red John is going to be able to top that performance.

That speaks poorly of the show, though, doesn't it? Both in its inability to develop multiple well-formed characters, and in its unwillingness to take risks.

Here's the thing about The Walking Dead, though; death doesn't feel like an oppressive inevitability. If it did, Lori's death would be one in a myriad of similar gut-punching deaths, rather than one of the very limited number. Shane's death was forseeable, T-Dog's death barely registered among the characters, Amy and


If Will Smith were fucking Ludacris, would that be a hip hop "power couple"?

That's probably the most ringing endorsement I've heard of ShamWow to date. Of course, a lot of this depends on how much she…you know what, I'm just going to go ahead and flag myself instead of finishing that thought.