Wolverine DoppelShane

I do need to see that. I like Rian Johnson, Brody, Ruffalo, and con movies, so I have a feeling I'd like it quite a lot.

They could've gone the whole nine yards and just cast Eddie Murphy on OUAT as the Dragon.

He did do Midnight in Paris, and was great as Dali.

For maximum bleakness, they'd have to keep Maggie around too.

I'd recommend going back and watching it, not only because of Michonne's character development, but also because it features the return of an anticipated character and is generally considered to be the best episode since the pilot (and with good reason).

Those are Judith's first words after Carol wheels her crib to the corner of a cell to keep her safe.

I feel like any dimensionality the characters have at this point is solely due to the actors, rather than the writing. The fact that we're not irritated beyond hell by Michonne is a testament to how good Danai Gurira is as an actress, and she deserves a fucking Emmy for preventing us from hating the character.

I feel like tumbr fangirls tune into Once Upon a Time on Sunday nights, and switch over to Walking Dead later on.

I actually see Raylan as more the Art to Loretta in this version, though he's retired from the Marshal service this time around.
I still haven't figured out how she'd relate to Ava, though.

Hadn't thought of it that way before, but it makes sense. Although it seems like a step down, but part of that may be because I can't see JTT selling the "sociopathic outcast" thing as effectively as Slater did in Heathers. Goddamn, he was perfect in that role.

I have this headcanon of nouveau-Justified picking up 15 years after this show ends (whenever that happens, I'm not pushing) with Loretta being the new main character. Of course, in my head, she's now a Marshal too.

True, but I also suspect they don't care for any character on the show who's not the kid from Road to Perdition or the other guy who looks 12.

Nazi Necromancers.

Originally, he was just another angel, albeit the one who actually pulled Dean out of hell, which made him special to the Winchesters, but not amongst the angel crowd. I recall the likes of Uriel and Raphael were more powerful than him.

Holy balls, the TWOP reviews started getting bad halfway around season 4, and became unreadable near the end of season 5. I didn't even bother going back once season 6 kicked in, and I've never regretted that decision.

Off to youtube I go to find it.

Shockingly, realism is not what the Bond movies tend to aim for with regards to the plots of their villains.

That statement is patently false unless The Equalizer being white is one of his defining features.

From the article:

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus  I wonder what happened to that sheeple gimmick account, who'd pop in in a comment like this and say "fuck off, I'm trying to sleep." Haven't seen that around for a while.