Wolverine DoppelShane

"Man I can't stand fundamentalists" A-fucking-men.

Jacki Weaver, on the other hand, shrugged resignedly.

Not to burst your bubble, but John Hinckley Jr. is a major character in Stephen Sondheim's Assassins, which has its moments of comedy.

I'd also like to point out that Nina Dobrev looks drop-dead gorgeous in the picture above.

Wait, Person of Interest is off again this week? Is it me, or is CBS yanking this show around?

"They were shocked that the place served beer in glass bottles.  Apparently, this is illegal in New Zealand because everyone there would immediately attempt to kill each other with broken glass bottles."

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus  Jobs actually didn't make anything that changed the world; every product Apple made was already on the market before Apple came along, from MP3 players to tablets to layman-friendly desktops to smartphones. Hell, even Siri was a technology that existed before it showed

I'm actually really interested to see what Ahmed does with Mira Nair's Reluctant Fundamentalist, which by all indications seems like a serious take on the same subject.

Dude! Spoilers! I DVR'd that game, I was gonna watch it someday.

wtf is Michelle Shocked lol

"- One of the original ideas for the film was Ocean’s Twenty, a 200-page draft where every character from the previous films returns. When Soderbergh told Jerry Weintraub the idea, he looked at him like “I had grown a sexual organ out of my forehead.” "

Is that your Breaking Bad/Franklin & Bash crossover fanfiction?

Was there any doubt about the fact that Mindy was right about the girl's boyfriend?

Weird Al has picked up on this again, by the by. He's got a show on the Nerdist youtube channel called "Face To Face with Weird Al".

That awesome picture alone deserves a like, though I'm with @avclub-615a666e6472b587f63193032da45961:disqus  on the moustache. I'm surprised you didn't instinctively end up on some sex offenders registry simply for sporting that.

Why does part of me hope that the character of Silk gets split into two roles, and are played by Grizz Chapman and Kevin Brown?

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus Then I sure as shit hope Steve Jobs' memory and Tim Cook start getting slagged ten times as hard as Cruise, considering the proven, documented deplorable conditions in which Apple products are made.
Also, pedophiles in the Catholic church means we should be tossing out

Not having seen this one, I don't have anything to add, except keep up the great work.

Mel Gibson is an anti-semite and a misogynist who thinks 98% of the world's population is going to hell because they don't believe the same thing he does. Charlie Sheen shoots unarmed women for kicks. If we're going to delve into the personal lives of actors, Cruise's antics come in on the lower end of the heinous