Wolverine DoppelShane

Well, I mean, I don't know how to tell you this, but there were…developments in the fourth season.

".but what's the expressionless waiting about then?"

Her moving out comes later on. She packs his suitcase for, presumably, when he goes on business trips and the like.

I continue to hate how thoroughly they got structured out of radio and mainstream music for daring to speak against the President. I mean, if you're going to ruin the careers of people for not saying that the sitting leader is all great all the time, then you have no business criticising North Korea for doing the same

Well, it could be, but I always read that line as a knowing wink to the audience that this wasn't Connery. As are all the scenes leading up to Lazenby's first appearance.

It would make for a fascinating point to explore, though, considering HR has now killed a good friend of hers. She may have to wrestle with the idea of lesser of two evils.

I know the feeling. A large part of why I enjoyed Lost was the fact that I could run to the internet after every episode to discuss things; I even made a few friends through the various Lost boards I populated through the years. But the experience of someone who watches the whole show now is bound to be vastly

It's actually very interesting how the profile of those 4 girls flipped between movies. In the first one, Alexis Bledel and Amber Tamblyn were the high profile tv show leads, and America Ferrera and Blake Lively were the unknowns, but by the second, Ferrera and Lively had their own hit shows, and Bledel and Tamblyn's

It read to me like Phil's whole point was that this episode was more enjoyable for fans than new viewers of the show, and that anyone tuning in after hearing of the show's recent stretch of excellence wouldn't see anything special in this episode, which, yeah, as much as I did like the episode, I can't disagree with

"Wait, you're going to murder me?"
"Yeah, you should run."I'm really hoping Leon's expressed desire to help people is foreshadowing, and that he and Shaw will be another version of Finch/Reese. And maybe he can save Candi's life and she'll genuinely like him this time.

I've got an over-inflated ego on occasion, but there's no way I'd say I'm even 1/100th of the writer that Bradbury was.

Goddamn, now I'm super-interested in reading a story that'll never be written.

Why would I read Uday Hussein's wikipedia for that when I can turn on a reality show and see the same thing?

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus That's an egregious error they need to fix for next year. Let the speeches run for as long as they want, and get rid of the celebration of middling musicals. That way, everyone's happy.

Would you settle for Daniel Day-Lewis hosting in character as zombie Laurence Olivier?

This I can get behind wholeheartedly.

Nah. It's maybe worth debating whether the big stars deserve gaudy recognition for roles most of them get millions of dollars for anyway, but there's no reason to rob some the essential supporting players in a movie from their time in the spotlight. Cinematographers, Sound editors/mixers, visual effects people, and so

You just put more thought into the movie than the writers did.

"provided that he doesn’t mind the critical shitstorm that every host not named Hugh Jackman has weathered over the last decade or so."

"- Danny and Tess’s romance was a controversial element of the film. Some people have told Soderbergh that they loved it, while others said that it brought the movie down (the former group is correct)."