Wolverine DoppelShane

So the trailers DID show the entire movie. Good, that's another one I can strike off my list.

Oh hey, I actually promoted this project on the site I write for a week or so ago. I'd love to see this one come to fruition.

Due to studio pressure to make the film more female-friendly, the movie is now named Veronica, and Kristen Bell has been replaced by Channing Tatum.

Hell, it's the exact opposite of his fault. Sounds like Sony Music was being a dick just because they felt like being a dick.

Wait, isn't Ashley Madison only adulterers, or have I misunderstood the site?

Well, I don't know that that's necessarily a reason to tune out; I think we've all seen movies and tv shows where the villain was much more interesting than the protagonist. Hell, Breaking Bad is basically the story of a character's arc into villain territory.


I actually defended against this accusation with "it's good to hear differing sides", since most of the other news channels up here skew in the same direction, politically speaking.

20 hours later, this is still making me stifle laughter. Well done.

Erm, I don't know how to tell you this, but…

In all fairness, religion seems to be doing most of the heavy lifting itself when it comes to looking bad.

I highly doubt she has. More likely she'll get an assistant to google quotes for her if called on it.

No no, John Cheever, not Quvenzhane Wallis.

Wait…wait…did Lena Dunham say Taylor Swift was the Sylvia Plath of our time? That couldn't be…could it?

Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that.

Bringing them to the big screen via its movie studio division.

@avclub-6f611188ad4a81ffc2edab83b0705d76:disqus  is like Shaq, swatting away any attempts at jokes with the cold, hard truth that any ludicrous reboots we can think of is already in pre-production.

Yeah, but Angels and Demons was a snoozefest.

Look at it this way; now you don't have to choose between New Girl and Happy Endings anymore.