Wolverine DoppelShane

He ain't Jensen Ackles, who's the only correct choice if they insist on passing the Die Hard torch to someone.

Seriously, I love that idea. It feels so much more authentic than the "pre-determined time and place for gifts" thing that we have going on now.

Same here. I'd rather artists not be limited to doing this only when they have something to promote, because it shows a genuine interest to be funny on their part, rather than a "Haw haw I'm here, go watch my latest POS!" appearance followed by seclusion.

They're accused of tokenism when there is tokenism, like if there's a group of 5 people, and the four white guys all get lines while the one Indian guy nods along. Nobody's accusing Flight or Life of Pi of tokenism, so it's definitely not a lose-lose situation. Hollywood just doesn't understand the concept of racial

In all fairness to Owen Wilson, that script was penned by John Hughes.

If you're talking about Ben Kingsley, both his parents are Indian.

Hollywood hasn't found Aziz Ansari yet. Hell, Aasif Mandvi doesn't have a thick accent in real life, which means they're taking these actors and telling them "can you sound more ethnic" or something along those lines.
I'm sure Ansari will also be forced to do the same if he tries to embark on a movie career.

I would never consider someone of Matheson's stature a liability, even if he didn't have success in the screenwriting field.

*cries for Rubicon all over again*

I have to assume Matheson has some clout over who gets the rights to his own story. Of course, it's very possible he doesn't.

I have GOT to get my hands on this.

What the hell is that on his face?

She handed the report to Peter in the midseason finale, and indicated she knew the results, so I'd say that's a safe assumption to make.

That's his reaction to every movie.

@avclub-1f5b519cde67ac0d0fcab419aa3048a4:disqus Who said anything about JGL? Nic Cage as both younger AND older Joe, or bust.

"I don't know if you've read the books"

I come here to escape asinine youtube comments. The AV Club has always been a place where one could find a more intelligent class of commenters, so for me to scroll down and see this kind of idiocy being perpetuated here just grinds my gears.

Because Kirk Cameron.

It's like you haven't even seen Mean Girls!

On the other hand, I'd argue it's just the right amount of George "I'm in my 40s but look how edgy and youthful I am with my soul patch and earrings" Strombolopoulos. Which is to say, none whatsoever.