Wolverine DoppelShane

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus You're right. Correlation and Causation are different. What I meant to add, but didn't, is that mainstream country music fans those flames, and there's a definite reason that crossover exists. It's not a coincidence.

Is this really necessary? Are you under the impression that you're breaking new ground here? How does this contribute to anything? It's not a critique of this show (hell, it's not even a critique of Sex and the City), and it's not a comment on anyone working on the show, and it's not a comment on the skills or

Well, as the article pointed out, he deliberately shit his pants to avoid being in the army.

There's a fair amount of crossover between mainstream country music fans and xenophobic members of the American population. When Rabin says country is white now, he's not just talking about the fact that the performers come from one race (which is something that doesn't occur in any other genre; to take your example,

So did anyone else get the impression we were supposed to feel sorry for Jacob because he couldn't find it in him to kill people? I got the distinct impression the show wanted the audience to root for Jacob to become a killer, and that just made me uncomfortable.

Pretty sure they're already there. They did a reunion tour or something a while ago that seemed to be popular.


Nope, it's diverged too heavily from the comics at this point to be able to predict where it's going.

*reads comments*

"Fuck you, The Killing"

"Maybe they could move in with a pair of blonde, not-conjoined twins and you could call it Fourheads."

At the Oscars? Everyone probably already is.

"Ergo! Affleck's finally gonna get that Oscar."

*Good Will Hunting desperately waves its hands in an attempt to get @avclub-9b60cf1b2106f886f17cba2b1a0359b9:disqus 's attention*

That would actually put him a lot farther ahead of most people in his wealth and salary range.

On the other hand, The Heat is directed by Paul Feig and written by Parks and Rec writer Katie Dippold, so its offscreen pedigree is way stronger than Identity Thief.

Teen Wolf Two is considered a classic in many of those regions too.

Yeah, I'm with you; she didn't really bring anything unique to the part.

Just out of curiosity, what are everyone's theories on Nathan's death and Harold's limp? I get the feeling both occurred on the same case (Nathan died in 2010, if I remember the memorial bust correctly from season 1), which would mean Harold went through rehab, then set the Machine on the task of finding someone like

I hope Kaitlyn Dever shows up as the surrogate sister who Nick resents.