Wolverine DoppelShane

I hope Kaitlyn Dever shows up as the surrogate sister who Nick resents.

I hope Kaitlyn Dever shows up as the surrogate sister who Nick resents.

Well, Oliver did get himself arrested and acquitted to throw off any suspicion that he was the vigilante, and Tommy's been seeing his playboy side in spades since, so it's plausible that any suspicions Tommy had have been heavily muted, if not practically eliminated.

Jason Bateman and Dreama Walker should do a two-hour movie where they just stand in one spot and react to things.

Nic Cage will just show up on the first day of filming and never leave.

Tiptoes is the name of that film.

Yeah, I'm with @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus  on this; that sounds like less a critique of the film, and more a critique of how the marketing mismanaged your expectations. You can't fault the movie for not introducing an actor earlier; at most, you can say the character's presence was needed earlier, but it doesn't sound

I'm with you there. If I were watching the show for the character interactions (outside of Abed and Troy), I'd have quit a long time ago.

Person of Interest, Elementary, and The Good Wife would like to have a word with you. And so would Shawn Ryan's track record.

He's great wherever he's working, it's the networks who don't give him a chance. But this is a higher-profile project than anything he's done before; I suspect they're actually going to try to make this one a hit, which means actual marketing, something neither The Chicago Code nor Last Resort had.

Eddie Murphy's also onboard as producer, and will apparently be reprising his role here and there, including in the pilot, so this is less "Mean Girls 2" and more "Evil Dead" remake in terms of talent and creative involvement.

Shawn Ryan (Yes, the one from The Shield and Terriers) is co-producing, and will be the showrunner if and when it gets picked up.
Now how do you feel about it?

I don't disagree. But I'll take this over zero recognition, because I'd rather Streep didn't become the female Gary Oldman. If that means she gets frivolous nominations, so be it.

Remember when Meryl Streep didn't get an Oscar win for several stellar performances? She can be in Transformers 4 and get a nomination, and I won't bat an eyelid, because she deserves it after all her shaftings.

Well, they were busy with the apocalypse and everything. They've only fought humans twice, and both times they were individually messed up people, rather than parts of larger evil.

I really loved that moment too. One moment she's smiling and waving, the camera cuts away, it cuts back a minute later, and she's Miranda Priestley.

I have no idea. I'm situated in Canada, the land that gave birth to MuchMusic, but I have to imagine parts of the US get it too.

Burt Macklin, Interplanetary Police.

And Pacific Rim has a giant robot punching a giant monster in the face. There's no way it won't be good.