Wolverine DoppelShane

His directorial features, or his producer features? Because you can't judge him for the latter, any more than you can judge Tarantino for the quality of movies he chooses to slap his name on, rather than work on.

Trump declared he had $5 million to spare for a charity, then intentionally didn't give it because of some bullshit birther nonsense. No way he's self-aware.

Not when Trump is on the opposite end.

Regarding this, Fox and CNN correspondent John Roberts actually began his career as a Muchmusic VJ named J.D. Roberts, so there's an inside joke behind that too.

We actually don't even catch on to popular Canadian music until it's late. I remember hearing Avril Lavigne on US radio stations nearly a year before Canadian ones. It threw me for a loop when I found out she was Canadian (which the media couldn't stop pointing out once she got the Grammy nominations).

Go fuck yourself.

"I greatly prefer the new Oceans movies to the old rat-pack Oceans 11."

You can't dismiss an entire genre of music as "artistically nil", just because what you've encountered in passing has been creatively empty. That's like someone writing off all chinese food as tasteless after eating at a place with a bad cook. If, however, you truly want to know what quality hip-hop sounds like, it's

I assure you you're not.

And to top it all off, they send all of one agent to "protect" her, when Carroll's followers have gone through multiple agents already.

Hey, FBI, you've got a bunch of fingerprints. You know anyone could turn out to be Carroll's follower. This woman's reaction to cops was to attack with a knife. What's it going to take for you to atleast consider the option that maybe she's lying? Oh, she said otherwise? Guess that's no reason not to double-check her

So did the French Huguenots, for that matter.

They had a joke two (?) weeks ago, when Liz was trying to slash the budget, where Pete said everything would have to be greenscreened, which Lemon complained about because it all looks so fake. I suspect there was a tie-in between the two.

"I'm sorry, it's the other one."

"There's a Poe short story where the criminal talked to the police, he must be playing that one out in real life!"

*Tonight, on The Following*

Can't wait for the poorly written tween romance novel between a human blank slate and a germ.

You're right on that count. The problem comes in one of two fronts

*floor shakes*
"There's something under the floor"
"That's the Ryan I know! Get him out of here!"

I'm hoping Levine and Phylicia Rashad become buddies on the show, and Levine ropes Rashad into an appearance on Doug Loves Movies.