Wolverine DoppelShane

Are you insinuating that Billy is better than Adam Baldwin?

Next step in the viral marketing campaign will be sending seals to bite off a hand from each of their subscribers.

I really hope James Badge Dale shows up at some point as Alex's ex.

Well, she has been known to lie (and Kerkovich-way Brad so often he frequently goes for MRIs, which does add credibility to the "fucked up relationship" idea), and I re-listened to the opening scene discussion about Ryan after the reveal, and they do avoid any pronouns. I get the feeling that Brad and Jane's

News Update: Veena Sud is now the showrunner on both The Killing and The Walking Dead.

Well, Re: the TV people, Brad and Jane are not like other couples that Penny sees on television.

*Daniel cracks the egg on his shoe* "Ugh, it's not even hard boiled!"
*Chloe*: "Huh?"

I kind of felt the opposite, in that by throwing "love" in the equation between Jane and Ryan, the show managed to give that relationship some depth, rather than just "oooh, two cute girls maybe scissored during college", and there was no talk of Jane going through a phase or anything like that. Plus, I think

Well, they had one in the second episode of the first season, I think, where Penny put a hypothetical scenario to Alex that involved her getting caught in a cougar trap or chased by a cougar, something along those lines. Execs must have realised what was going on after that one.

Fun fact; when Alex and Max are riffing on whom to call, Alex says "we should dial CTU", which is another callback to her part of Kim Bauer.

@avclub-2a962e143137bda7a60420406dcb4fc0:disqus  On the other hand, the way you describe it can lead to Gary Oldman-land, and I think Hathaway's aware that the roles are going to start shrinking for her when she hits 30, and dry up when she hits 40, so she might as well make the most of it now. Remember, Uma Thurman

Wait, he called Spike Lee an Uncle Tom in an article in which he defends a white guy accused of racism? What's wrong with this picture?

"Abu Nazir escaped? Inconceivable!"

Flagged for souring my day by reminding me of Terriers' cancellation.

@avclub-da496e2db2e50a068b4ae5549d4ae1b0:disqus  Does Hathaway have that kind of ego? I mean, let's face it, her part in Les Mis wasn't the most prominent role she could've gotten

I highly doubt that, considering she was only on for four episodes. By your logic, Susanna Fournier, who appeared in five episodes, or Dichen Lachman, who appeared in 7 episodes, would have gotten first crack at series lead, instead of Spiridakos. Furthermore, actors sign contracts with shows, not with networks, and I

"Hello. My name is Nicholas Brody. You killed my captor's son. Prepare to die."

Holy balls, I can't believe I didn't think of this myself, she's perfect. Nicely done; you get a hat tip for that.

@avclub-f2b489efd726db529335e31c83509c73:disqus She had a major part in season five of Dexter, but that's about all I can remember outside her role in the Bourne series. Imdb tells me she's the lead of a show called Blue, though this is the first I've ever heard of it, which isn't a good sign.

Oh yeah, she's played some good parts. But if the headline was "Anne Hathaway cast in Taming of the Shrew", I'd have just assumed she's Bianca without a second thought.