Wolverine DoppelShane

Exactly. I mean, Hathaway's talented, sure, and I'm willing to see what she does with the role, as it seems like a departure for her, but I've never gotten a "bombastic, room-dominating drama queen" vibe from her, ever, which is what I think of when I think of Katherina.

Really surprised they cast her as Katherina; I'd have figured her to be more of a Bianca type.

No, I'm pretty sure Revolution did that. Also, "star" is a very loose use of the term to describe where Spiridakos stands right now.

You mean star of the "Melrose Place" reboot that everyone totally watched and loved, right?

"Kids, now that your mother's dead, it's a good time to tell you I never really loved her. She was just a placeholder until one of my best friends died."

He did, actually, way back in season one and two, which I totally forgot about. Alex Mack herself, Larisa Oleynik, also had a recurring role.

Have you ever walked up to Jim Caviezel, handed him a folded piece of paper, and said "Mr. Finch says we've got a new number", before simply walking away?

They actually had a whole 10 minute segment once where a guy described about five different kinds of subway subs that he'd bought. And I mean describe, as in, talk about what kind of bread, what kind of toppings, everything, while name-dropping Subway and making sure the wrapper was visible.

Yeah, as much as I dig the second season episodes, I do miss both Robin and Eli (which, was he booted off the show too, or is he just getting unfortunately cut?)

Don't forget to draw genitalia on the board.

That's going to suck for his wife, whom he's been clearly married to for a while at that point, and the kids, whom he'd have to abandon, not to mention his longtime friend, whose marriage he'd have to break up to be with Robin.

One can add Donaghy and Lemon to that group too.

The show has a surprising amount of geek cred for such a by the numbers procedural. There's Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park, and Terry O'Quinn had an arc prior to his role on 666 Park Avenue, Masi Oka joined the show at some point, and then there's Martin Starr. Autumn Reeser and Reiko Aylesworth have also popped in in

Arigato heyyyyyyyyyyy!!

Justin Timberlake is so old and out of touch, we may as well be looking at…Jack Donaghy.

O hai there, Suburgatory.

Since you missed the reveal last season of Kara still being alive, are you caught up with the role she's played in present day? Because Snow is now working for her, which she convinced him to do by strapping a bomb on him, activated by a cell phone. Carter ran into him when investigating Alisha's death, which he was

Easton Ellis didn't happen to be one of those individuals, was he?

Yeah, but Soderbergh's not doing anything outside of editing it anyway. And the whole "Soderbergh would give them the finger, so I'll give him the finger" was also unnecessary. Worst case scenario, Soderbergh comes up with something at odds with Schrader's vision, he tosses it out, no harm, no foul.

Aaaaand my 8 month streak of not thinking about Sarah Palin is broken.