Wolverine DoppelShane

I can understand that perspective, I guess.

Seriously. Especially if I was where Schrader sounds like he is, career-wise, (this movie sounds like his Hail Mary) and one of the top people in my field offered to help, no strings attached, I wouldn't be able to say yes fast enough. If this movie turns out to be any good, it'll clearly be despite Schrader's

" "you know what Soderbergh would do if another director offered to cut his film?” I said I didn’t. Schrader leaned back in his chair and gave me two middle fingers.
“That’s what Soderbergh would do.” "

I wonder how much of that was because Deen has genuine acting talent, and how much of it is the fact that he was able to deliver his lines halfway convincingly, which is more than can be said for Lohan, probably.

He is also very fond of suggesting every male actor should do porn. Not even in a bad way, but in a "I really liked his performance, and I wonder what a porn with him would look like" kind of way. Either right before or right after his Bigelow rant, there's a section where he went off on Suraj Sharma, the Life of Pi

"I don't sit in while you're planning demographics, I don't take exec notes, I direct."

Did not know such a comic existed until your comment. Time to go hunt it down.
Is there any universe now in which Chris Hemsworth doesn't end up in the role of Vlad?

Well, it is a Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. That's probably not the most illlogical thing that has happened in one of those.

There's probably a lot of Lost jokes built in by the inclusion of Tania Raymonde in the cast.

Wait, is that how it really ends? That actually sounds like a cool premise to launch the sequel from, like she becomes some kind of travelling vigilante, or maybe goes after Jenny Schwartz, who slept with her boyfriend in freshman year, and others who she feels have wronged her, or something along those lines.

I would watch that on an endless loop, no lie. Someone make this happen.

Well, the protagonists of Inside Man and 25th Hour were fictional, while Malcolm X was a real person. It's not illogical to suggest that only black people, who were embedded in the struggle for civil rights because their life depended on it, truly understand what Malcolm X did and the impact he left. If a male


Throw Mamet in the mix, and you have my money.

No, I see it too. The chains behind them are very unfortunately positioned, and with the Jackson figurine being askew, a hanging is what first came to my mind too.

It's a new year, I say we up our dosage.

The picture should've been one of Russell, Tarantino, PTA, or Wes Anderson with a big red NO.

The picture should've been one of Russell, Tarantino, PTA, or Wes Anderson with a big red NO.

Maybe she got a parking ticket right after the interview, and that was what set her off, rather than the 30 Rock questions.

@AnneNoise:disqus @avclub-734ffb84cfa214922893511fae356b45:disqus You're both right, and the fact that she put this story in her book, where she could've presented a squeaky clean image of herself, says a lot too. Of course, it's just plain baffling to me that Fey has any detractors outside of the knuckle-dragging