Wolverine DoppelShane

Wait, what? Details!

I may be in the minority on this, but I loved her guest stint on Suburgatory. It'd be great if they brought her back to tussle with Ana Gasteyer some more.


Well, the story I read in Bossypants was pre-SNL, and before Fey's comedic career even got any legs. She used to be a receptionist or something along those lines at a community centre/cheap housing place with another, older woman who'd made a career out of the place. There was an opening for a higher level position at

Yeah, I know some people like to point to this to prove their idea that Tina Fey will stab anyone in the back to get ahead, even her close friends (an assertion that is not only ridiculous, but which can be supported much more strongly by an incident she wrote about in Bossypants), but honestly, Krakowski as Jenna is

*Obligatory "Good God, Lemon"*

Wait, they're using the Veronica Mars theme song for this?

You know what else came up organically? The plane on which I banged Eartha Kitt.

And then Stephen Hawking and Thomas Pynchon, who are in the same room, would say "I'm going to stop you right there."

Yeah, I'm guessing it was ultimately the quality that tanked it (I couldn't last past the pilot and its horrible greenscreen). I think Vampire Diaries is the biggest indicator that the CW can still churn out a hit if the components (solid pacing, attractive people, good story) are there.

Gee, I can't wait for the internet to get irrationally excited for this one before abruptly jumping ship and letting it die halfway through its first season!
What are the odds Ringer died because most people got it and Revenge confused, and started watching the latter?

I somehow wouldn't be averse to that. Considering the mythology this incarnation of PoI has been able to build up, with Elias, HR, and the recurring smaller-scale baddies, as well as the characters like Zoey who pop up time and time again, I have to imagine every city has their own spin on how things work, and

I had this alt storyline running in my head from last season (which a few episodes have now made almost impossible, but idgaf) where someone else, kind of like Root, figures out the Machine exists, finds the backdoor, and builds a hatch for themselves, so that there's another computer genius/vigilante combo going

That sounds like too nuanced a comedy vein for a Chuck Lorre show to be able to tap into.

Very true, especially in light of all the ratings struggles the two sitcoms I mentioned have had. Plus, Melissa McCarthy has ben able to leverage her participation in a Lorre sitcom into a very successful movie career (much more so than when she was on Gilmore Girls), so there's a chance Faris is thinking along the

No no, Dennings and Behrs have genuine comedic talent, and the fact that it manages to, every so often, shine through the poopshow that is 2 Broke Girls is maybe the biggest testament to that.

Take Chuck Lorre out of the mix, and the idea of Anna Faris in a sitcom is actually good news, especially considering how Cougar Town and Ben & Kate prove that the single mother premise is a solid one to build a show around.
Put Chuck Lorre in the mix, though, and it's…ugh. Just ugh. I expect a lot of "lol look at

I feel like an exploration of what makes a middle class black person vote Republican in 2012 could be fascinating, but I'm also about 95% sure Dunham will steer clear of that exploration. Not as a knock against her, but that doesn't mesh with the style of season 1 of the show.
Then again, I'm willing to give it the

Everyone knows girls are gross and have cooties, dude. That's just, like, Gender Relations 101.

What is this Spider-Man 3 of which you speak? There were only two Raimi Spider-Man movies, then Marc Webb took over the franchise. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.