Wolverine DoppelShane

YES! Writing off this movie as just another remake is very baffling, considering the original creators are so heavily involved. It's not like they need the money or work either, considering Raimi has oodles of cash from the Spiderman movies as well as the Oz film, and Campbell's got steady work on Burn Notice.

I feel like he should do that, then get together with nineteen other people willing to do so and make a band called "The Real Matchbox Twenty".

I get that, especially with the gorgeous and perfect skin part. I wonder if her partners start reading up extensively on current affairs every time she mentions a meeting with the parents.

Brian Williams' numerous appearances on 30 Rock indicate the funny gene runs in the family.

Literally the first thing that came to my mind as well. High five.

"So was he dead or dreaming the whole time? I don't get it."

@avclub-2b4398f8c60d5dd9b8e3c786a3745192:disqus I wish I could say I don't understand, but it's entirely possible I will become the same way if and when Bitch 23 gets the axe. It already took a lot of my self-will not to become a ball of bitter energy when yet another Shawn Ryan show got the axe this season, so I'm

I thought it was the actor who was in the Death Wish films.

Wtf is Bronson Pelletier lol

The quote explaining where I got that idea from and stating "I stand corrected" wasn't enough?

@avclub-e6d0513ce49cc06cb956251623cb8fd9:disqus Who are the other men? I'm counting the main cast as Joel McHale, Chevy Chase, Donald Glover, and Danny Pudi (which actually makes four, but this show's been off the air so long I'm apparently forgetting cast members) and Gillian Jacobs, Yvette Nicole Brown, and Alison

@avclub-c305906bce98a870409f20115c7cd4e7:disqus  That actually makes sense.

What the what?

Fun fact; there actually were no female writers on the Community staff in season one. The only reason there were any female writers in season two is because NBC forced Harmon to hire some, which he vehemently protested as network interference, because he thought it'd mess with the chemistry of the room.

Wait, Buckwild is a real show, and not a fever dream I had? Or is it both?

How in the world did I miss the drunk girl? This clip is the gift that keeps on giving.

Like American porn, but with Arabs. Presumably.

Billy Crystal's attempt to gain credibility by starring in a serious expose of the child trafficking industry did not quite go as planned.

Billy Crystal's attempt to gain credibility by starring in a serious expose of the child trafficking industry did not quite go as planned.

If that is wrong, then I don't want to ever be right.