Will Bishop

I thought the episode was quite good and funny, though not as good as the previous two. But I definitely thought Sheldon was an absolute jerk in this episode, and wanted to see him get face serious consequences to his relationship with Leonard, Amy, or both. Unfortunately, by the time we found out the full extent of

Now here is an episode that truly deserved an A. I couldn't understand your grade last week - yes, the Robin/Loretta reconciliation was sweet, but I thought most of the jokes involving Clint, Cassie, and Daphne were pretty dumb. But "Platonish" is classic HIMYM at its best. Fast-paced switching storylines, tying

This episode had some good laughs. However, I did not like the way Marshall flat-out told Lily "I'm going to be a judge" rather than phrasing it as an apology and a question of whether she was OK with it. That was both arrogant and out of character for Marshall. Of course Lily shouldn't have responded by

I actually really loved this episode. I thought the romantic gestures from Howard, Penny, and Amy were all excellent. Some of you said the song was awkward and painful, and I was actually expecting it to be so but ended up liking it. Debating between an A- or A.

Trolls gonna troll.

The Barney/Robin plot was pretty lame. As others have said, both Robin and James are acting like absolute jerks, and the whole conflict is contrived: who fights over a divorced man's wedding ring? However, the Ted/Marshall/Lily plot was excellent this episode, especially the references to Gonzola's and the Slutty

I agree with the reviewer that the denouement of the Leonard/Penny story was very well done. It laid bare one of Leonard's most serious character flaws: he's the archetypal guy who thinks he's the nice guy but can actually be kind of a jerk. It also highlighted the fact that both Leonard and Howard have strained and

I still don't think this season is off to a very good start.  The ending of this episode was better than the last one, but most of it was taken up with what felt like pretty dumb, weak gags to me.  Racing around a hotel to find a place to have sex before your wedding - really?  Maybe I'm just in a bad mood because I

I found the pilot funny and engaging, and also appreciated the lip service to the economic realities of lower middle-class America.  In order to pay more than just lip service the show will have to work on a couple of things:

That was one of the highlights.

Big Jim didn't blow up the whole propane store, did he?  Just the truck that Ollie's man was driving.  Otherwise Big Jim couldn't have said he still had propane in this episode.

I would really like this. Except I think Ted meets her during the train station scene (as alluded to in "Farhampton). But what you said would be a wonderful way to end the series.

I liked the episode a lot, and even though I had wanted to see Barney and Robin get married, in retrospect it shouldn't be a surprise that they ended the season on the best series of cliffhangers yet.

Anyway, I give this a C+.  It was still better than some of the episodes I've graded at C or below such as "Bad Crazy" or "Twelve Horny Women", which just had completely uncompelling plot lines, but this episode does not deserve to break a B.

In that case, they will have to do something really impressive in order for me to be satisfied with the season finale.  I've been waiting all season to see Barney and Robin get married and Ted meet the mother, and I'd be very disappointed if we didn't get to see Ted's relationship with the mother develop before the

I just don't see how they're going to resolve this.  In the final half-hour episode of the season, Ted and Robin have to resolve their cliffhanger, Robin has to have a *second* freak-out (as foreshadowed in the season premiere), Robin and Barney's wedding has to either go off without a hitch or fall apart, and Ted has

I actually thought this episode was really funny, including the part about Marshall's job going south.  What I find annoying is that we know Lily and Marshall are just going to move to Rome for at most a couple of weeks, and then come back home because they miss their friends, because the show has to keep all 5 of

I'm surprised at the grade.  I did not find this to be a particularly enjoyable or funny episode.  There were a few funny moments, like Leonard complaining about his mother in front of the junior high girls, but overall watching this episode felt about as awkward and forced as, I don't know, having a texting date at a

I saw it coming from a mile away that Marshall was going to get sprayed with confetti.

I don't agree with the grade at all.  The episode was very funny, which the reviewer admits.  I agree that Robin will need to go through some introspection, but that can take time.  I think it's entirely believable that Robin would go through a period of denial that Barney and Patrice's relationship is real,