
Probably bugetary. A lot of shows try to give actors a few episodes off here and there, or limit their screen-time, especially if they have a lot of guest actors or stunts/cgi to pay for, or they're saving up for a big episode.

Tommy left me for a piece of re-bar, and all because he said it had a better personality.

I'm guessing it wasn't a coincidence that the Patriots are so interested in Wiloughby as our heroes just happen to be in it… I'm thinking that Rachel's presence in the town is the very reason for the interest.

Oh my life… too funny.

I'm more interested in how she gained about 2 cup sizes since the pilot.

Nothing like a bit of torture to teach you that the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plains.

Don't police officers have to account for every bullet they fire?

How the hell do two people who're both convinced they're God's gift to humanity bear to be in the same room. Their whole lives must be one great big circle jerk… the only thing as big as Kanye's ego is Kim's ass.

My only question to the internal zombie logic of TWD is this: Why, if everyone is already infected, does getting bitten cause a near-instant turn only reversible through immediate amputation?

No TV, 20-year-old music, few books… I'm not surprised everyone's trying to get down on it.

She's too pretty to be hate-worthy.

It's better than hiring him, raping him, then killing him.

You do realise that every single store they've ever ransacked would have batteries, added to that the existence of generators too…. it ain't remotely difficult to charge anything once you have… uh… power.

Yes, why don't they do something new by repeating the plot of every single zombie film and series ever made in the history of humankind. Why don't they have a character find a cure, but have to deliver it to some far off safe zone too. You should be a writer.

I'm convinced that most people who complain have no idea what the show actually is. It has always focused on character-development and slow-building, spent time on psychological issues and the cost of survival. Yet the complainers expect 42 minutes a week of explosions and zombie-killing like Michael Bay has trained

The virus which killed that guy is nothing to do with the zombie-virus. Everyone is already infected with that. The virus which killed him is likely just your standard H1N1 style thing.

Dear God we need to see a miscarriage on the show!

I think the show you think you're watching isn't the show you're watching.

You do realise how many batteries are in circulation, and generators. Just cos the grid's down doesn't mean there's no power.

They likely haven't had a death of natural causes yet, probably will come most unexpectedly. I thought most people sleep in sealed cells anyway?