
It's likely some kind of H1N1-style virus. Bad pre-turn, extremely bad post-turn when the dead don't stay that way.

I missed that line. Good catch, it shines a lot more light on that sequence for me.

At least he didn't get raped by the Police Academy this time.

He got suspended in the finalé for having contact with The Hood despite him being a wanted man. I guess suspension led to an internal affairs investigation, and he got demoted as a consequence. I'm thinking they couldn't fire him, since he was right (it sounds like his role in deactivating the first quake generator

Seems to be an odd law. It varies by state as to the age to sell alcohol. Obviously Thea wouldn't be able to have her own licence, but given they live in a fictional state, it's perfectly feasible that the age of seller could be as low as 17.

Well, Tomorrow People was pretty darn awful. I've seen all those storylines a million times before. Not one surprising moment, not one line of memorable dialogue.

When was the last time anything subtle happened on Dexter. Close-up, Dexter voice-over and a conversation with Ghost Harry or it didn't happen!

He can when he flies a private plane there with the exact coordinates of its location. Bit harder when you're shipwrecked with no form of communication and no idea where you are.

Yeah, if they start bringing in powers, I'm out. Shows like that get real stupid, real quick.


I only just noticed that the logo for Ollie's nightclub is a green arrow :) I'm slow.

I love that line early in the first season when the dark archer appears and Quinton Lance says: "it's real nice that these psychopaths are colour-coding themselves" - lol'd so hard.

I could watch 40 minutes of Summer filing company accounts and attending board meetings.

No, they are both Chinese, but definitely not the same person.

Apparently the CW's president has said that Caity Lotz has been cast as Sara Lance/Black Canary. So yep, I'm probably wrong there. Although I guarantee that Summer's character will be a fighter… might be a big bad of the season.

Yeah, Ollie wouldn't sell up without clearing the basement, and Diggle and Felicity obviously still had access, so I think he just gave her Tommy's old job.

But they haven't said this new girl is black canary, they just said she leads to Black Canary's beginnings.

Firefly: cancelled
Angel: cancelled
Sarah Connor: cancelled
Dollhouse: cancelled
Chuck: cancelled
The Cape: cancelled
Alphas: cancelled
The Unit: cancelled
I love her, but that girl will rain destruction down on any show she's in. She is an albatross.

In other words, comics have terrible continuity, they're not grounded in any kind of reality. I think TWD has the better idea. Use it for inspiration in terms of concepts, locations and storylines, but don't be tied down to it. It's obvious Ollie and Laurel make a bad couple on screen. I actually felt that he and

It just looked like she'd lost loads of weight to me.