
I still can't believe they went with "The tide is rising", rather than "Where we're going we don't need roads" - I could literally not be in a flying car and not say that.

Or Supernatural, or Arrow?

I understood them perfectly, but then I am from England.

I think Whedon's learned not to throw too much money at a show's pilot. It can end up making the rest of the series look pokey by comparison (like, say Lost). It was a given that this was going to series, so I think they went the quiet route to build things up slowly.

Okay, so yes, the final season was unbelievably dire, and everyone says they could have done better, but I actually got to thinking about about it and they had so many pieces in perfect place for the final season, so with like 20 minutes thought, this is what I came up with.

I thought the Live Action Death Note was way better than the anime, since it finished precisely at the point where the retarditude began.

Sounds like Jordan Chase came in her Kool-Aid.

The Lost finale was awful, but compared to this…

Actually, that works out at 250 hours over the course of a month, which is nearly 60 hours a week.

Makes you feel bad for actual lumberjacks… bunch of hack writers, sat in a room, thinking 'What's the embodiment of isolated purgatory on earth?' and bamn, logger.

Dear god, don't say the D-word, you'll jinx the series.

Because they never spend time apart, in all the years they've been together I don't think they ever had before now (remember when they tried pre-marriage)

For ease, I think I'll just call her by the actress' name, 'Cristin'

Can we call her 'blah blah' then?

They did work in the opening theme song. In the Ted and Cristi ghost scene, he greets her by saying "Hey Beautiful", which is the title of the theme song by The Solids.

Wasn't there a flash to a college reunion where Ted was still married ("Where's my wife?") which was like 10 years down the line?

Nastiest joke of the night goes to Barney natch:

…those aren't pillows!

Maybe that's the point. That all of these women Ted met along the way had pieces of what made his ideal woman, but it wasn't complete. I was just thinking, they didn't tell us her name yet did they?

Just watched the double and I was more than impressed. The show's had moments of brilliance after the dreaded Spears Slump, but I've never seen them maintain that perfect balance of humour and character over 40 minutes straight… until now.