
It's like he watched season 2 while high. At what point was Dexter ever a good brother? He constantly did the opposite of what Deb wanted, ignored her when it wasn't convenient and sabotaged her entire life for his own selfish ends…


We get $5 too?

He was hired as a writer, not a director. And it's extremely common. Whedon has often remarked how no one gives a s—- about the writer in movies.

It was Whedon's job for many a year to be a script doctor. I believe Speed, Toy Story and Waterworld (yes, it could have been worse) were some he was hired to fix up.

Boobs and people falling off the deck… That movie's very short when you fast forward to the good scenes.

What for? Clearly for the exact situation which arose, duh!

Agreed, the end quality of anything is of no importance. All that matters is that the people being paid to write a show tried to write a show. It's like at college/university, where everyone graduates if they try hard enough and believe in a thing called love.

Someone made me laugh by noting that Harrison delivers that line identically to how Skyler tells Walt "I f—-ed Ted" in BrBa.

As long as Harrison doesn't do anything annoying ever, cos Hannah loves to murder those complications in life.

We already have a term:

Hannah is so smart, even though every single person in existence knew the plan was (kill saxon) go to Argentina, she still went there because it's the last place they'd expect her to go. This is why Edward Snowden should have hidden in the middle of the NSA insignia at their HQ…. last place they'd look…

Haha, even Tim Kring was like 'f—-in' Dexter' when he saw the lumberjack.

Yeah, cos if a huge ship with a reinforced hull breaks apart, you just know a significantly smaller boat will do just fine!

Actually this show has beaten us over the head lately with the notion that 'It's Dexter's humanity which gets people hurt'. So the message of the finale was that he's given up on caring for people because someone doing what he does doesn't get to have loved ones. There is not one line in any episode post season 6

But he had to leave Harrison with Hannah because he knew as a serial killer he could never be a good father to Harrison, so he left him with Hannah, another serial killer. But don't worry kids, Hannah only kills people to protect herself, or if she's bored, or if they start a fair fight, or look like they're gonna

I was laughing at 'why the hell do these two (Dex and D. Vogel) keep trying to kill each other for no reason whatsoever?'

It took me a while to turn. I gave season 5 a lot of slack but when it got to Dexter and Lumen going knife shopping…. WTF I AM I WATCHING?

I think the non-reaction to getting stabbed, the precise and unhesitating kill and staring at Saxon for ten seconds like a f***ing psycho really helped to sell the self-defence angle.

I like ass, this show is balls.