
Yes! Vic's Shield fate was pure justice. He was a man who convinced himself that the good he did outweighed the bad on the grand scale. He used everyone around him and always had a way out. Vic never chose his isolation, it was forced upon him and was an emasculation of him. It took away everything he cared about so

As far as I'm concerned, it's where the show did end.

Relax, a woman awaiting trial for murder has kidnapped a young white boy to whom she has no legal right besides the fact she boned his daddy a few times on a table… I'm sure there won't be a huge manhunt or anything… It's not like Argentina has an extradition treaty with America… oh, they have… nevermind… I'll let

Isn't Marco Fuentes still on the run?
Did Lumen get a happy ending?
How did Angel become a cop, seriously, was it like 'Cap'n Crackle: Collect 5 coupons and win a badge' type thing?
Who was paying for the electricity to keep Gellar's body frozen?
Will Harrison ever learn to comb his hair properly?
Will Monkey ever get out

Deb doesn't need to forgive Dexter for anything. If anything Debra should apologise to Dexter… which she did, on average 4 times an episode.

Watch S3 again now… you'll love it. I did.

So Scott Buck was just Parent Trap-ing them… and we had to suffer the consequences?

It was her first day.

… die of liver failure, miss the finale… happy ending.

At least Colin Hanks has been relieved of his award for 'Worst thing to ever happen to Dexter'. Scott Buck now wins that award.

He was like "Yes! Clyde's gone, and now Deb and Dex can fall in love and it will be awesome and fantastic and that love will save him from his weighty responsibility of being a superhero!" - then everyone else was like "what the f- dude, they're brother and sister!" - "But not really!" - "You think it's only the gene

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Let's face it, Walter Whyte is the biggest story on the news cycle right now. Every single person he ever met is being dredged up and interviewed, psychologists are analysing every shred of detail and as the trial progresses, every development is followed with a fine tooth comb by hundreds of journalists. So it's not

And to make him watch… heartbreaking "there's still the kid".

Former showrunner Clyde Phillips:

Dexter gets between 0.6 and 2.5 million viewers. That's less than 1% of the population of the United States. Is your opinion of your own country so low that you don't consider every 1 in 100 people to be intelligent enough to appreciate good television?

The Shield called, they wanted their ending back, but since you dropped it in shit, they said you could keep it.

How convenient that Saxon – a building inspector with a minor in brain surgery – chose the one place to stab Dexter which had absolutely no chance of even slightly killing him, thus leaving him open to said convenient self-defence murder. Zimmerman would be proud.

"13) Does Dexter have the doctor from Arrested Development?
 - 'Deb will live. Let's just say she won't mind being shot.'
 - 'Oh thank God.'
 - 'Because she literally has no mind anymore. She's a vegetable. My bad!'"

Sigh, just one more day of Dreadfully Departing Dexter to go.