
You know, I think they're onto something here. I tell you what, why don't we get Scott Buck to walk into a supermax, offer all the inmates love and then change them all into well-adjusted human beings…

True, but the evidence they did have was rather compelling. There is no such thing as a perfect case and there was just enough to convince most people in MM that they had their man. Note that Lundy and LaGuerta were both unconvinced as to his guilt, but they couldn't keep the case open unless they had something solid

No worries, the writer did the same thing…

Imagine how hilarious it would have been if Showtime decided to to a 'Talking Dexter' style show after the episode aired, with audience phone in…

Fun side-note, that final scene happened in real life, only it was Scott Buck, not Vince Gilligan.

I doubt it, but you knew that ten minutes ago.

Technically season 2 had no such serial killer trying to kill Dexter. Lila turned antagonist at the end (having only 'sort of' killed her ex-boyfriend at the time), but it was Dexter himself who was the 'big bad' of the season.

The only ending which would be kind of cool now (since it does negate all of season 8) is if Deb really shot Dexter in the shipping container, and this is all some kind of schmaltzy fantasy Dexter conjures in his mind before he dies.

That's fascinating, you can tell he has barely restrained contempt for Buck. I wonder if he genuinely thinks the ending they chose is cool, or he's just being nice. Seems to put paid to the 'season 8 was a pre-death dream' theory since he said dream twists were a terrible way to cheat the audience.

Has to be future, they got the tech to send the dome back in time, but can't physically return themselves or something. Think of the link between butterflies and time-travel (with the butterfly effect).

Without blonde Hannah, Dexter would resort to killing again.

But what if it's good….. nah, just kidding :)

I like that everybody who attended Vogel's wake automatically cares enough about Dexter to abandon said wake in favour of an impromptu going away party.

But, but, they can't go to Argentina until he's killed Saxon!

Don't watch MST3K Kati, you'd be crying about it within minutes.

Sadly, even Tommy Wiseau would write a better episode of Dexter now…. although, they are actually very similar these days. Do you think Masuka's daughter will get cancer, then Deb can say "Don't worry about it".

'Deb, shot, picks up her phone and says: "This is Detective Deborah Morgan, and I've been shot."'

The scene that Dexter shows on his phone to Deb is f'in hilarious. They add grain to the first shot and then it start cutting to other angles and returns to broadcast quality. It's nice that Dexter taped his own show to prove to Deb how she's okay to kill people if it's to protect Dexter.

I wish BrBa had the balls to end like this. The love of Lydia convinces Walt that he doesn't have to be a criminal, and eventually Skyler, Hank, Marie and Jesse all get over themselves and thank Walt for being such a great guy for them.

They hold up, and it makes season 3 far far far far far far far far far far far better in retrospect.