
Not a plot hole whatsoever. One character doing something stupid and having it blow up in their face is just that, a character flaw. Walter has always been terrible at lying to his family, they can always tell. Witness the moment when Skyler simply gets up and leaves when he's in the middle of a particularly egregious

Man, those are some stinkers in a faecal sea. I wish you'd included the pivotal unmasking of Daniel Vogel though… 'F'kin Dexter!'

Apparently, Buck thought we'd prefer extended scenes of biologically improbable sex devoid of tits but high on manass, and whiny emo conversations about why it's a good idea to wear gloves at a crime scene (except when you're trying to erase all trace of yourself from one, then, just go nuts).

"BB wasn't always as mind-blowing as it is now…there was a lot of
wasted time with Skylar whining about this or that, Flynn eating
breakfast, Marie stealing junk, Hank collecting minerals or failing at
brewing his own beer, what was eating at Jesse's psyche to make him
especially emo on this day or that."

"It certainly isn't boring"

I'm sure billionaires disappear everyday without a care from any police department whatsoever. What's that, someone reviewed the CCTV of his last public appearance. Interviewed anybody who saw him that day, what's that, married to a known murderer, what's that, was also with somebody closely resembling Dexter (damn

They probably think they're being clever just cos one of them bought season 1 on DVD and they thought: "Let's steal vague ideas wholesale for no reason whatsoever, and people will be like 'whoa dude, a callback, that's deep'."

"Dexter tells Batista that if he could be any [human being], it would be Batista."

Great Marshall is Lem, fails to do any work whatsoever beside turning up at 2 people's houses and asking "Erm, have you seen Hannah?", then when he actually knows where she is, backs off completely and decides to outsource to a private detective when he has numerous legal means to search that damn house. Then he

"Did anyone else feel stupid for mocking this show's loose continuity
when Miguel Prado's wife showed up? It was like "Ha! Bet you thought we
forgot all about her, didn't you? On Dexter, every character fits in to
the larger story."

Season 3, that final scene where Dexter pulls the figurative thorn out of the lion's paw is so powerful, and Miguel was an amazing character. I think season 3 got a bad rap since Doakes was sorely missed and, in all honesty, they used their best storylines up in season 2.

Actually, they delayed it by one week to get it pretty close. In fairness though, no one quite knew that BrBa would be this good. We expected, but some were doubtful.

Those steaks were high, much like the writing staff, less like the quality control.

It's difficult, since they don't have their own voiceovers to tell us redundant facts and exposition, so what choice do they have but to verbalise it?

I love that BrBa looks like it's purposefully pissing on Dexter. In the very same episodes which showcase the golden Harrison scenes, BrBa breaks out the Emmy-deserving acting skills of Holly, who, at barely one year old, captures more nuance and emotional resonance than Harrison… hell, than the whole cast at this

Why not just kill Zack? Why kill the one person who can make you a suspect, with whom you have a personal connection…. F'kin Dexter!

"This is Saxon's kill room, well I say Saxon, that was his alias for the first week I basically ignored him, then I found out his real name, and he became the pointless fixation of my life and the subject of my every thought, but yeah, I'll just go on calling him Saxon. Does that mean my name should be P. Bateman?"

They could make a damn amphitheatre from all the benches of people connected to Dexter who die in mysterious circumstances.

This is as bad as that time that Dexter referred to his own brother as Rudy by name.

In fairness, that's not a night many here would turn down.