
Remember when Dexter spent days agonising over this very decision with Doakes, now it's just like "f*** it, everything will turn out okay"

…or any traffic cam in the area. Also love the fact that Marshall Lem knows where Hannah is, but makes no attempt to stakeout the place or get a warrant to search the premises, no, his great plan is: I'll hire a private detective for nn\o reason whatsoever, then I'll follow Deb, but not Dexter, since that is more

That was absolutely classic. Even better when considered in light of his and Zack's amazing "duh, I forgot about gloves" speech.

I don't think even Heroes was this bad. Sure they had the same awful voiceovers, plot contrivances, narrative amnesia and bad, bad character development, but at least it was rarely dull.

Because they tried that storyline last season, got bored of it after an episode and…. ooh shiny object! shiny object!

Don't be ridiculous! That would be a good storyline, what show d'ya think you're watching!

Watch 'The Shield', and you will never question his ability again. Even the greatest artist cannot paint an intricate  portrait with a vibrating dildo dipped in paint.

I'm thinking that season 4 will do rather perfectly as a series finale. It brings the themes full-circle and end rather nicely I think.

Walt's smarter, and he knows it's what he would do.

Man that is attention to detail. I wish I could ever bring myself to watch this episode again.

They're good villains, everyone knows they're assholes, no need to spend too much time on them when they have major character arcs to finish.

I think you're reading too much into Gray Matter, it was just a way of showing that Walt cared more about his pride than his family in the beginning.

But did you see that scene where the person gets stabbed for doing something completely idiotic, or that other scene, where someone gets their throat slit for doing something idiotic, or that other scene, where someone gets shot for doing something completely idiotic, or that scene where the guy tells his daughter

totally adorable, as said by Penny from Happy Endings.

I think they'll shift tone for the final two. There's no way they can match this intensity. Although, with these writers, they'll probably find a way to ratchet it up even more. The Shield is fast being eclipsed as the best finish in my personal TV viewing history.

Yep, A+ for Breaking Bad's finale, F for Dexter's.

I reckon the next two episodes will pick up from a 'Six Months Later' tag or something. It doesn't feel like there's much in the way of compelling story threads to wrap up until the flashforward begins, except maybe Jesse, but they can keep him chained up for 6 months making meth no problem.

I guess at the moment it's up for interpretation whether or not (1) Skylar used Walt's brutal egotism for her own gain, or (2) Walt knew the police were there and purposefully diminished her role in everything.

"All that's left is Walt's redemption…"

Also, I think Todd just really wanted to torture Jesse, being the grudge-holding sadistic bastard that he is. His flinch when Hank was killed though, that was the most powerful twitch of all time.