
When you think back to Hank's reactions to situations where he was faced with death before, then with this one… man that is growth. He was a nervous wreck before, shaking uncontrollably, and now he just stares unblinkingly down that barrel and says "do it". That got to me.

I tell you, I've actually started putting off watching this until I'm in the right kind of mood. Every episode is taking so much out of me, it's exhausting, So I wait till I know I can take it… then I start watching and realise I can't take it.

I want the Shawshank ending. Dex, Hannah and Harrison walking along the beach, while Harrison gets the last line "Daddy, I can wear my big boy pants now!"

It's nice that Lem didn't make any effort whatsoever to verify Deb's contradictory account. What, no CCTV, no other witness statements, wasn't Deb somewhere else at the time of the check-in? I seriously thought "Deb, you stupid ass, you're done for now". And then I remembered what show I was watching.

Deputy Marshall Lemansky, remember when your death scenes used to be good, and not preceded by facepalming stupidity? Is it a common occurrence for a marshall, to follow a police officer, find that she's likely detained somebody. Now, according to Occum's razor, which do you think (1) She's made an unexpected arrest

You must know that a fair few people would disagree with you on that. A lot of criticism was levelled at early season 1, but they've upped their game since then. I know it will always be divisive, but I'm one of the people who enjoy it, and like you noted, "Clear" was an extraordinary episode.

I keep thinking it's going to be The Walking Dead, but it just gets better everytime. Maybe the third showrunner firing is the charm and it'll suck next year.

Hello whore!

So now Vogel's dead, what on earth will be the reason to keep Dexter in Miami for? Hey, how about a conveniently timed storm which grounds all of the flights out of the city. *facepalm*

If you compare seasons 8 and 2, you'll see the drastic change. As Dexter was stalked for every waking moment by Doakes, he gradually became undone, not being able to kill affected every impulse in his body and it was on his mind constantly, even the sight of anything to do with death was giving him a psycho-boner.

Now marking 'The Following' on my don't watch list.

I'm still thinking that the Dome might be there to protect them from something which is about to happen in the outside world. Like an alien population seeking to preserve a portion of humanity from the apocalypse.

Sounds like what Arrow's writers did with their first season.

The Rita character arc made all sorts of sense. She was a smart, ambitious woman who just had all of the drive beaten out of her by Paul. With Dexter, she found happiness and wanted - as they both say to each other in their first major moment of connection - a normal life. That was normal to Rita, and she gave Dexter

It's being practically ignored by all the critics.

She thought he smothered them with kittens, then attacked them with hummus before holding their hand as they gradually die of old age surrounded by fat grandchildren.

Because a trojan horse is a two-way street, so if the people of Troy had found the Greeks inside the horse, that means they could have invaded Athens automatically. Right?

So let me get this straight, we have a supposed serial killer, who suddenly records - conveniently - all of his crimes. Would not his first consideration be, hey, where should I position the camera to truly savour the moment here? Maybe I should go for an aerial view to focus on the horror from a god-like position? I

You can't pull off the 'hey miss, would you help me load this chair into the back of my vehicle… no, you go first,' with a convertible!

Is that like the last time he connected with a killer who truly accepts him for who he is, or the time before that when he connects with a hot female killer who - pardon her tits - truly accepts him for who he is?