@bjlanguid:disqus It's my go-to karaoke song and it kills every time.
@bjlanguid:disqus It's my go-to karaoke song and it kills every time.
The generally "unpopular" Woody films that I've enjoyed I've seen in theaters, for sure.
Thanks for this. Moose and squirrel were among my earliest comedic influences.
"They're celebrating because you weren't in there."
I didn't quite get the bit with the Civil War expert keeping Tom from seeing what's on his monitor. I thought the gag was that he's obviously bullshitting him and was looking at nothing, but then later he shows up with what we presume are accurate documents and photos about Tom's family. Was that supposed to be a…
I got really sick of it towards the end of the season, unfortunately. Unlike the Charlie Brown song, "Sound of Silence" really wears out its welcome by the time the last handful of episodes roll around.
Finished watching this weeks ago but just saw this final review go up. Despite all its flaws, the wife and I loved it. Perfect for binging. Haven't read anything about Hemlock Grove (other than the F here) so I don't know if people actually like it, but I applaud the distribution model. I may not be eagerly awaiting…
No way is he dead. My guess is by season 2 Joe's book is a huge bestseller. He sent a finished manuscript to a publisher and when the "Joe Carroll Cult Case" was all over the news, they realized what they had. Now Hardy has to deal with the smug summabitch staring at him from the window of Barnes & Noble. Meanwhile,…
Oh man. Loved this as a kid.
God, yes. I hate the phrase, but I have to admit this was the first show my wife and I ever actively "hate-watched."
Sorry, not to bring up a horrific subject, but was there any explanation as to why there was an "evacuation center" in the town? Because there were just a couple of killers running loose in a major American city and the general wisdom was STAY IN YOUR FUCKING HOUSE AND DON'T GO ANYWHERE.
Woof. This script is positively awful. Naturally it was one if the first shows with a series commitment this year.
There are only three episodes left. Is anything going to happen in this show?
Ah, Liz Phair…in love.
I've noticed it at least twice, and my wife has spotted it in another LCK or two, so it must be. Last night's was particularly hilarious though - usually it's sitting on a shelf or prep table in the kitchen, but this time it was in a crab pot or something just chillin' in the middle of the woods.
@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus Actually in this case, if Kristen pulled it off I would be psyched. Her elimination was among the biggest crimes in Top Chef history, and a Kristen victory is a redemption story I can get behind. Not as dramatic as if Kuniko had somehow made it 14 weeks but still.
Tell me I'm not imagining things. Josie did proudly describe the coating for her chicken as "just like KFC," right?
Don't put your lips on it.
NOT a Last Chance Kitchen Spoiler…