
The best part is when Jones corrects his non-H pronunciation and Chapman just gives the snootiest look and says, "OH!!  AN HOOP!!"

As long as the neutrinos keep mutating…

"I did an evening of vegetables
off-Broadway. I did the best tomato, the best cucumber… I did an
endive salad that knocked the critics on their ass."

It's what you oughtn't to do but you do anyway.

"As she explained in the interview’s emotional climax, it’s a lonely life
to be beset by angry people who wish only to do her harm, of the sort
endured by Jesus Christ or maybe Popeye."

Reviews have described Zack Snyder’s film as steroidal, humorless, and cold…"

Change singing to dancing and it's the exact same sentiment.  "You know, in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around…"

Philmosk, I know you're replying to Raymond Luxury-Yacht, but "In the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around…" has an eerily similar vibe to "When you was slaves, you sang like birds!"

I just can't wrap my mind around this.  Not Tony.  Not this soon.

The back of a Volkswagen?

"Hey, Dana, I was seeing that you got a birthday coming up, and I was wondering how you feel about 'Oh 'Dem Golden Slippers?'" — Dan Rydell

God yes - that movie is insanely quotable.  Madeline Kahn alone deserves at least a full day. 

Just checked in on Sepinwall's site and he's had to shut down comments due to people spoiling willy-nilly.  I did manage to see one comment telling him to read the books and stop whining.  Seriously, I know that most book-readers are happy to let us newbies discover the story ourselves, but what is it about GoT that

Having avoided the title of the episode, but not all spoilers, once the wedding band started playing "Rains of Castamere" I was simultaneously horrified by what I thought was coming up and awed by how well the showrunners were building the tension with just that song (and trusting us to figure out what Catelyn was

I've officially had it with the whole Theon story.  Watching a guy get tortured week after week is not entertaining, and the few insights we've gotten on his torturer haven't been worth it.  Not to mention, it's very hard to be sympathetic to someone who, despite every indication that it's a trap that will not end

Except if Arya had been captured right after her dad's beheading, we'd have lost the chance to Arya/Gendry ship.  Not to mention, there'd have been no Hot Pie.  (HOT PIE!!)

That scene was fantastic.  This whole season Cersei's been told she's not as smart as she thinks she is.  She sits in that meeting thinking she's proved herself to be the clever one; she's provided valuable information to her father and is screwing her brother over in the process.  And then the shoe drops, because she

Loved how he stressed that to Cersei.  Then again, fantastic line-readings are Charles Dance's specialty:

Considering she seems to be the only person in Westeros who doesn't know Loras is gay, I'd say it's a bit of both.

I rolled my eyes once the Lord of Light talk started too, since Stannis/Melisandre bores me to tears and the Brotherhood seems much too practical to get into a similar mind-frame.