
It's C4 in the form of 10 more spiffy vests, suckahs.  See how heavy the box was?

It's C4 in the form of 10 more spiffy vests, suckahs.  See how heavy the box was?

Maybe that's the point?  Brody sensed her falseness when she grabbed his hand in his car.  Cute parallel that he grabs her hand (with his wounded one) when she accuses him of knowing what would happen at the tailor's.  And that she grabbed his hand during his confession.

Maybe that's the point?  Brody sensed her falseness when she grabbed his hand in his car.  Cute parallel that he grabs her hand (with his wounded one) when she accuses him of knowing what would happen at the tailor's.  And that she grabbed his hand during his confession.

Finn didn't threaten suicide, he just said he'd rather die.  In teenspeak, that ain't much.

Finn didn't threaten suicide, he just said he'd rather die.  In teenspeak, that ain't much.

She did.

She did.

Right.  'Cuz Brody knows there's a mole in the CIA.

Right.  'Cuz Brody knows there's a mole in the CIA.

Just for that nice 'i' with two little dots over it, here's another.

Just for that nice 'i' with two little dots over it, here's another.

Dexter's back.  Too early to tell, but this one could top season 4.

Dexter's back.  Too early to tell, but this one could top season 4.

I'm totally shipping Jyler for next season.  I mean, come on, he says to her "Vamanos"  with this suggestive little raise of his eyebrow and she says, "I wish."  Then when she catwalks back to the office she stops, looks at him over her shoulder, and they hold that look for a full three seconds while Walt is JACKING? 

I'm totally shipping Jyler for next season.  I mean, come on, he says to her "Vamanos"  with this suggestive little raise of his eyebrow and she says, "I wish."  Then when she catwalks back to the office she stops, looks at him over her shoulder, and they hold that look for a full three seconds while Walt is JACKING? 

I think Walt's kind of petty, and always remembers when he's been put down by somebody.  Remember how at Walt's 50th b-day, Hank stole the stage, even snagging Walt's beer while toasting him left-handedly?  Betcha it's been that way for a long time, and Walt can't help but revel in moments when he feels like he's

The Whitman inscription in the lab book is completely different from the one in his book.  It says "To W.W., my star, my perfect silence."  Walt was also reading "Leaves of Grass" in "Fifty-One" when Skyler proposed sending Junior to a boarding school.

He was willing to kill Walker back in Iraq to save his cowardly ass, why not twice?

Okay, look: agree this is the worst season ever.  Don't agree Dex sucked since S2: the hilarious warehouse chase scene in S5 culminating with Masuka's explanation was just what I want from the show: thrills & comedy.  Depth is a bonus.  This whole season gave me precious little of the latter two and none of the former.