
Well, well, well. Here it is again: everybody is racing to be the first to piss all over something that is truly great. To show you're cynical and can't be fooled. As they say, "Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal."
I dunno. Maybe "Breaking Bad" and "The Wire" were better shows, but this

By the way, has anyone noticed? It seems like there are never stars in the sky.

. . . plus his hands are so teeny-tiny.

People considered for the Steve Martin role: Kevin Kline, Eddie Murphy, Mick Jagger.
For the michael Caine role: David Bowie, John Cleese, Richard Dreyfuss Michael Palin.
As Janet: Sean Young.

..and that makes this a remake of a remake, since the original, "Bedtime Stories" (1964) starred Marlon Brando (yes, trying comedy early) and David Niven. Shirley Jones (Partridge Family) played Janet. IMHO, DRS was better: the original didn't have the surprise ending. It's very hard to find, or was, when I spent

It might also tell us why Sarah is fertile.

Yeah but Helena is pregnant and Art has missed so many shifts that if he takes another day off work they'll dock his pay.

So any thoughts on how the season opened? With that empty subway station?

I think the problem with Khan Noonien Singh being a white guy is that he's a product of eugenics: he was bred to be a superior human. In "Space Seed" they made a little effort to darken his face and make him look more like, "From the northern India area, I'd guess. Probably a Sikh." And the rest of his crew was

What would really be cool would be a drug-induced musical that takes place in the 1930's.

Carrie told the committee that she spent 15 hours on the ladies' room floor, but is that what Saul believes?  We need to get to this soon.

or vengeful deer.

Well, now the titles include Saul saying "you're the smartest and the dumbest fucking person I've ever known. "

Verbs?  After a long day of youing, I like to saul for a few hours.

"It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World"

Walt's bullets destroyed the Jesse confessional dvd. 

Actually, the bullet Walt got hit by took the cancer clean out of his body.

Well, there was that "House, M.D." episode where House is waving a sample of man-milk over his coffee…

That's it!  That's the trauma that sets him on The Dark Path.