Tron Guy

Was the reference to an "Aryan Union" a subtle play on the fact that a union would be in direct conflict with fascist policies?

We can get Charlie Manson to do it!

"Nobody would have been killed in World War II if those outside agitators hadn't been there to stand in Hitler's way!"

That was kind of my point, I don't really know what their end game is here.

…… Crash and Burn? From that Hackers movie with Angelina Jolie?

Is this the "Troll Posting in the Wrong Thread" gimmick account?

They're also into faux-Polynesian culture, it's in the charter.

That Ernie guy really is an asshole

Did I miss the part where HBO is worth several trillion dollars to make this effort worth it?

What if your parents fucked in space?!

My hair runs the gamut of possible colors a human can have, it's kind of weird.

Is he an asshole too?

*stares intently at mackerel, begins sweating profusely*

You could quickly tear down all those Confederate statues with your webs you know. Is the lack of skyscrapers in places like uh, Macon, Georgia preventing you from doing so?

I took one of these tests and it came up 100% Antarctican. My family evolved from the great Penguimonkeys.

kIsS be,auti-full M.E

S-a-t-a-n… S-c-i-e-n-c-e. It checks out!

Oh shit, no wonder everybody has been avoiding me today

If apes still exist, explain why I'm not currently coated in monkey feces?

Luck and time. Early life has some lucky rolls, right Archmage?