
All of season 2 is definitely a huge leap above season 1. I'm not as down on season 1 as some people here though, I'd watch episodes 13-16 (SPOILER: starting with the one where they go two centuries in the future and have the big robot fight); basically the leadup was almost all boring but the ending episodes of the

The "sorry for your loss" sign is great…also, it happens to be more Biblical than anything Fred Phelps ever did. Romans 12:20:
If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with

Wait, Darth Vader is Luke's father?

That "wise-crackin best friend" really did seem to be in everything…besides Step By Step, he was also at least in several episodes of Boy Meets World and Full House, plus a bunch of other stuff I can't fully remember.

I looked it up, and was surprised, apparently Mr. Rogers actually did do an episode about him getting a parking ticket.  I didn't remember that one but kind of want to see it now.

Light from somewhere other than stars?  Quasars, maybe?

I hope Barney and Patrice is a real thing…partly because it actually would show some growth in Barney's character.

I hope Barney and Patrice is a real thing…partly because it actually would show some growth in Barney's character.

New Girl reference!

New Girl reference!

"They're trying to kill it!  They're trying to kill it!"

"They're trying to kill it!  They're trying to kill it!"

Wait, what about…nope, you're right.

Wait, what about…nope, you're right.

It's the opposite for me.  I didn't like last week at all…I thought this week was better, but still not that great.  I guess ranking mediocre episodes against each other is pretty subjective.

It's the opposite for me.  I didn't like last week at all…I thought this week was better, but still not that great.  I guess ranking mediocre episodes against each other is pretty subjective.

My favorite part was when the neighbor thought that Family Matters was a "low-budget web series".

My favorite part was when the neighbor thought that Family Matters was a "low-budget web series".

Are you talking about Friday Night Lights, or "Coach" with Craig T. Nelson?

Are you talking about Friday Night Lights, or "Coach" with Craig T. Nelson?