
Who do we ask/beg at AVClub to get a weekly writeup? This needs to happen. There's something about this show that combines the wackiness and charm perfectly…and don't get me started on that narrator. Also, a bit relevant: http://www.slashfilm.com/st…

AVClub, do you even Space Dandy?

Louie wants to get his own show? Well, big shoes to fill if Larry David did Seinfeld in Curb.

the only one I ever use :P It makes using twitter really interesting because it's a really fast gif!

James Baxter is a close second!

Crash Team Racing! Back before the Wii was a thing and Mario was on the small screen, that was the best.

Hannibal: Like tears in the rain.

Enchantment Under the Sea dance with pseudo-time travel elements FTW

"Which seems awfully convenient at this point in the story, and does that in fact make her a witch now?"

Eve from Wall-E makes an appearance too. Also, WHAT HAPPENED TO MARGE!?!

Barts Little Black eBook has the chicks from Metropolis and Planet of the Apes, amongst others. That was hilarious.

I like to think that when SMASH got cancelled Glee stole the broadway stars and put them in the background.

Time travel? Bring on the flashbacks/flashforwards/flash-sideways universe conspiracy theories.

Kenny Loggins must really be enjoying the spotlight again, from this and Archer. (Or fifteen minutes of fame, anyway.)

They made such a big deal over the filming of it here (Sydney) that I'd be pretty surprised if it isn't very good.
edit: They probably chose to air it so irregularly because they filmed it during our summer/your winter.

"the original was better"

there was also an episode where it is revealed she keeps an entire closet filled with them.

This felt more like one of those A or F episodes. It's easy to both love the constant referrals to old sitcoms, or hate how in-your-face the fourth wall stuff is.

It felt just the same amount of heartily awesomeness as when Dan Harmon left Community at the end of season 3. (We can dream you'll come back in season 5, to that respect, lol.) Amazing finale episode!