Cogito Ergo Numb

They were both War of the Worlds made for laughs — right down to a virus response — only that one was more a parody than a silly action film. But, I do think they shoulda combined efforts and merged the stories. I would've liked to have seen Jeff Goldblum's facial response to aliens that say "Ack, ack, ack, ack…"

There were these two cats that each slept in their own box. Oh, hang on… or was it one? … There was this cat asleep in a bo… no, no that's not it. There this dead cat, see… I know, an Englisman, an Irishman and a New Zealander walk into a bar. Which one is screwing dead cats?

Australia's got 'em too. It commemorates a long-forgotten element of society known as trade unions. Apparently they were useful once. Anyway, the date of Labour Day is a bit like a rail gauge: different in each state.

You know, it might be okay, because his jowly-ness and double-chin is now so pronounced that by ten years he might be able to cut himself in as Jabba the Hut.
(This is an Edit: I now see that this point has been intimated already. Maybe several times… For years now).
(By the way, I love the Edit function. Must be more

I think he was jokin'…

Going full Irish with Angelina with a salami? I think we've got something.

Thanks for making me come to Mars. You know how much I hate to yippee-kiya motherfucker.

I believe you're trying to shut the gate after the… Oh forget it.

I'm fairly sure that Liz the softball player thinks that you (yes, YOU) are scum.

It's a bit late in the day for tea, I s'pose. We got any whiskey?

@ Pouraewu: A perhaps cynical view of mine is that The Philadelphia Story is a virtual re-write of Holiday (also by Philip Barry).

The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, The Maltese Falcon, The Magnificent Seven, Cape Fear, The Fly, Heaven Can Wait, Inglourious Basterds, The King and I, The Philadelphia Story and High Society, The Silence of the Lambs, The Front Page, Victor/Victoria…

He wouldn't be impervious to circumcision on Krypton, only on Earth. Strewth, you blokes!

Desperate attempt to get noticed, having picked up the post too late.

This sentence — this very sentence you're reading — this one right now, is the LAST time you should ever see the names Woody Allen and Kevin Smith together.

When the sun beyond your eastern height,
Has chased the session of the stars from night,
and from field to heaven ascending
Strikes when you someone eat it.

I'm too late for the debate (it's 2:20 on Friday afternoon as I post this) but I couldn't let it go without a reference to Timothy Dalton who, I'm sure you'll agree, deserves at least one nod. I liked him, though he was too rigid.

I hate to quibble, but he says: "but of course you are…"

Never Pay Ev aGreen

oh, alright then…