
Trump, during the course of the election, has lined up with the standard Republican core values with the exception of free trade. If you have any major differences, I would be interested in seeing them.

Actually, the core is just as disgusting as Trump. They were disgusted by how unsubtle and crass his rhetoric was but not about his anti-immigrant, anti-women and anti-Islamic policies. "Principled conservatives" are, in general, disgusting.

Dumb-ass deplorable. You have been, and continue to be, a moron.

Ambush Bug would be ruined. Hell, I don't even like the Bug being used in contemporary comics. There is some just perfect about Fleming and Giffen back in the day.

I would say no.

Ignore him. He's a right winger that, when threatened with a ration discussion, goes into full troll mode. Don't feed him. He's sad.

I guess my feeling is that, in a rational and in-depth discussion of Sanger, then, yeah. The eugenics stuff should be brought up with and dealt with.

I know this is late but do you have any links to this? Because I've never heard it and I have been unable to Google a single interview or story that backs it up.

"I think one can defend Sanger and Planned Parenthood without downplaying
the fucked-up-ness of her eugenic views (or that instance of
race-baiting tactics),"

OK, flaws

"I still don't know why I am wasting my time with this….."

The problem with Cloud Nine and Brainwashed, for me, is the production. I just don't like Jeff Lynne's production from that period

Back in the day, I knew a ton of people that had crushes on Garrett Wang. I'm kinda surprised that he didn't become a bigger deal after Voyager until I remember that he wasn't that great as actor (and Harry Kim was kind of a weak, sexless character)

Nobody is saying Chow Yun Fat? What the hell is wrong with you folks? The man smolders!

If you check the other entries, he really tries to shit on the rest of the nation too. That's Burneko's shtick.

What are you talking about? Check it, The Town and Argo both made tons of money and even Gone Baby Gone was modestly successful.

This looks and sounds really good. It definitely sounds better than Cincinnati Chili whic I remember Deadspin ranking last in their silly list of region foods.

Everything you said is stupid. Everything.

He tends to go out with much younger women. Lyonne, Elizabeth Moss and especially, Abby Elliot. Looking back on it, I'm surprised that he was once married to somebody older, Sally Timms from The Mekons

Uh, no. You can't really stop that stampede and even harder to get it back to where it was.